Black screen prior to launch on Win7

My heart skips a beat as I stare into a pitch black screen waiting for Ccleaner to launch on Win7. Could this be directly related to Chrome?

Are you using ccleaner with Chrome open?

Do you have UAC on? Whenever I launch CCleaner on Windows 7 the screen turns black and then the prompt to allow CCleaner to run pops up.

Always close everything beforehand, and am not sure what UAC means? Run Ccleaner just as I have in the past, or prior to Win7. The duration of the black screen seems to coincide with the amount of junk it plans to remove. Can wait for 5 seconds or long sometimes. Just seems freaky!

oh, i see. user account control? i think so. out of the box factory settings, i believe. looking at the security feature's goals, i can only guess this is a contributing factor, still not sure how or why though. that black screen can last quite a bit, and appears pretty "buggy" no? thanks in advance for your help!

If you launch CCleaner, close it, and then launch it again does the black screen still hang around? When I launch CCleaner the first time the black screen appears followed by the dialogue box but if I launch CCleaner again after closing it the black screen doesn't appear and am presented with the dialogue box immediately. In that case I think it's just Windows sending the UAC prompt into memory for the first time and nothing major.

I don't suggest turning off UAC even if it is bit of an annoyance.

Running Windows 7 x64 with UAC disabled no problems detected. No problems with UAC active either.

For how long have you been experiencing this? It might have something to do with your graphics card settings. Just guessing.

While I wouldn't suggest shutting off the UAC to permanently fix this problem, try this:

Shut off the UAC


Open CCleaner

If you entirely shut off the UAC, and still get the black screen, it's not a UAC issue. If you do, it is and perhaps the developers can look into it (or, it's a problem with your computer, you may wish to try running 'sfc /scannow' in command prompt to fix any system files)