Black Friday!

What's everyone doing? Find any awesome deals? Going out stupid early :P?

Let's hear it.


Well, I was coming back from Massachusetts from a relatives house, and my family and I were on the Berlin Turnpike, and note that it was 8:30 PM. So, we're driving, and lo and behold, there's already a line at Best Buy!!!. There's about 10-20 people in the line. I meant to look at the circular a second time, but I don't remember seeing any outstanding deals there. It was about 34 degrees Fahrenheit at the time. Some had tents, others just hanging around.


I watched some news channel where they showed a woman shopping and asking for discounts and surprisingly she got them most of the time averaging 25% off. :) So asking for a deal on the price may get a savings. ;)

I personally won't be one of the countless idiots shopping the day after Thanksgiving, I'm saving my money for a new 32 inch HD TV.

I was out at the grocery store this morning and ran into a friend who said at like 530am there was a line halfway around the Target building. I seriously can't be bothered with that mess. I prefer to shop from the convenience of my own home. Everyone is having "eBusters" stuff going, so odds are you can find something decent on the websites. Luckily, I've pretty much finished my Christmas shopping anyhow, so all I'm really doing is looking for stuff I want. LOL

Black Friday

This is why I stay home.

Black Friday

This is why I stay home.

I just saw that on another forum. How sad. What's more pathetic are the comments at the bottom of the story.


We have the same sort of sales up here on Dec. 26th Boxing Day and tragically a young 15 year old girl was shot and killed in 2005 as an innocent bystander in a drug war vendetta.

I didn't go near any stores.

I hate shopping so going when there are millions of people trying to grab stuff out of my hands isn't something I would want to do.

I did buy a new mp3 player from though. Will be here in a few days with 0 hassle/confrontation. :P

Black Friday

This is why I stay home.

I used to work a retail job for about a decade and personally I absolutely loathed Christmas season during that job, and the super dumbass hours. If people knew the real markup of many items they may consider not buying them, especially on very high ticket items $1000 USD and above which costs the stores not that much at all.

I think the people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in that Walmart tragedy, just some innocent guy trying to put food on the table and gets killed by total f'n idiots.