BIG graphics problems


Been having some problems while playing a game for the last few weeks.

It came and left so it wasn't that bad but now it's always like that so it's unplayable.

I thought my graphic card may have broken or something but when I'm not playing my game, it seems all fine. Except for when I watch videos...I'm starting to see like burned pixels on my screen.

Here's some pictures of the problem:




My computer is a Dell XPS 600 and my video card is a Geforce 7900GS

Thanks for the help...if you can help

Have you tried to install the newest drivers? If not, does the card have fan? It looks like it is possibly overheating - if it has a fan, try to increase the fan speed. If not, it is a older card, and it might be dieing. See if you can try that, if not, see what warranty options you have.


Have you tried to install the newest drivers? If not, does the card have fan? It looks like it is possibly overheating - if it has a fan, try to increase the fan speed. If not, it is a older card, and it might be dieing. See if you can try that, if not, see what warranty options you have.


I don't know much about computers. How do you increase the fan speed?

Go here to update your drivers: -->

RivaTuner: -->


I went through two ATI cards in the span of six months which produced vertical and horizontal lines on the screen, basically the cards burnt up and had to be replaced along with a new motherboard, luckily my Dell still had warranty on it so it cost me nothing. Hopefully if you contact Dell they don't make you go through the whole format bull$hit routine.

If your system still has warranty left on it I'd say get it fixed pronto before it runs out, otherwise you could be spending hundreds of dollars to resurrect your system if you wait and it expires.

I had the above problem with an Nvidia card for ages ( A 7600GT I think) I installed earlier drivers and it seemed to resolve the issue.