Better UI : more space for the defragmentation map

I would like to make a suggestion for the next version of Defraggler for a better User Interface (UI) :

The most important part of Defraggler is (obviously) the defragmentation map. So make this map the biggest part of the UI, because it is way too small as it is right now. The main feature of the software should steal the focus and get the most amount of UI space assigned to it.

Why not put the defragmentation map in a tab like the content that is shown below the map ? (put it in the first tab and show it by default)

A tab for the defragmentation map would allow the defragmentation map to take up a whole lot more space so that it draws the focus and attention of the users.

Also try to make the UI elements more consistent : try to use the same font and font size throughout the program.

The "Drive"-tab looks really good with the available space used efficiently without wasting too much empty space, so copy this layout over to the other tabs as well. Especially the "Search", "Drive map" and "Statistics" tabs, they look absolutely terrible and are an example of how much space is wasted... The color squares should be made a little smaller (12x12 pixels should suffice), and the empty space between the vertically aligned items and the wasted space on the right when you make the program window bigger should be reduced drastically and used more efficiently...

And put the drive info list (at the top) in a grid, like the "File list" tab (add lines in between the rows and columns). The buttons could use a nice little icon/glyph to to make them look less dull.

Try to be consistent with your UI design layouts... It would really make Defraggler look more professional, and not as amateuristic like it does now. You will attract a lot more users if your products looks and feels professional and consistent. ;)

Thank you for your suggestions. While they will only rarely comment, the developers read all threads and often integrate viable and popular suggestions.

So make this map the biggest part of the UI, because it is way too small as it is right now.

This I have to agree with 100%. It is too small!

if we are talking about the middle portion of the DF screen, where the drive is mapped out into mainly blue, red and white blocks, then that section is completely resizable - both it's top and bottom edges.

or have I missed something...