Ok, here is something I wonder here.
What is the BEST way to organize flash drives?
What I mean is, you have Windows 98 (definitely needs cleaning with ccleaner sometimes), then you have 32 bit versions of XP/Vista/7 as well as the 64 bit (& other windows distros not listed here because they are just not used as much)
I set up my flash drive as a bootable flash drive so I can re-install my 7 I bought with it.
Then I marked all the setup files hidden so I can use it for storage.
Primary uses are: Backup/Optimize/Update
Backup: Drivers/Computers/Files
Optimize: Clean/Defragment/Malware
Update: CD-DVD/Internet/System -> CD-DVD = burning apps|Internet has Browser/Plugins folder that has Firefox/Internet Explorer/Chrome/Ad Block+ | System has Media Player/Service Packs/Tweaks etc...
Seems pretty simple. Each has icons from the system32 shell so it loads when you plug it in (ease of use).
From that 1 flash drive, I can backup drivers, update windows, or run malware/antivirus scans + re-install windows
I am going to make the flash drive read only eventually, so no viruses can write to it.
Anyway, here is one of my dilemma's and I wanna see how you guys think I should handle it?
2.36 is the last version of CCleaner to support Win98. So that, along with a good zip program & a good image viewer & a slightly older Opera release + Windows Media Player 11 skin for MP9 on W98/ME works good. But I am going to burn all the 95/98/ME utils to CD since you cannot run them from a flash drive without installing usb drivers first! Since they have to be installed via internet or CD/DVD, might as well just burn them to CD & use that!
But then, I have CCleaner 32 & 64 bit versions:
Is it better to simply run a single CCleaner (32 bit) for 32 & 64 bit systems? Is there really any difference in trash cleaned?
Or should I have in the cleanup folder --> 32 Bit & 64 Bit so I can run them on any system?
Let me know what suggestions you all have, & if you have better ideas.
Some of you may wonder why I still use Windows 98 sometimes, since it is very buggy. Well, I have an older racing game that has a steering wheel + gas & brake pedals for it. Works great in 98/ME, but under XP, even with compatibility mode, still no go. Won't do the audio OR the steering wheel in the game. It has to be because XP broke away from true direct access to audio hardware & started using HAL to access it with software emulation.
I am thinking of trying it later with DOS Box to see if it will work in a newer OS with DOS Box. I'd love for it to work so I can kick the remaining thing holding me to 98!
I am open to suggestions here, as well as ideas you all have.
I thought of using a portable start menu, but that is out, because if you do your folders right, you have no more than 3 folder layers to any utility you wish.
Running a launcher is simply more to load on your drive.
Additionally, new programs would have to be manually added.
Let me know your thoughts!
P.S. Be sure to let me know if you think I should use 32 Bit CCleaner/Defraggler/Recuva for 32 bit & 64 Bit systems (simpler, less files to use) or 32 bit for 32 bit systems, & 64 Bit for 64.
As far as I can tell, CCleaner/Defraggler/Recuva work identically on a 64 bit system with the 32 bit versions, except for certain tweaks or support for 64 Bit cleaning, right?
Or does say, Recuva have to be 64 Bit on 64 Bit systems to recover files properly?
Thank you for all your ideas/input & I look forward to reading your replies. I have tinkered with 64 Bit, but I am afraid to go full time because of the following:
- 98% or more of software is 32 Bits, with some older ones even being 16 bits! There is a growing amount of 64 bit software recently, & drivers may be no problem, BUT... Sometimes 32 Bit software fails under a 64 Bits system, or just gives a cryptic error message that this isn't compatible with 64 Bits!
- So much software, in fact, is 32 Bits, it may be hell trying to update all the programs businesses use to 64 Bit versions. A lot of 32 Bit will work on 64 Bit. But NOT all.
Thanks for your inputs, & I love if you post your answer(s)/solutions!