hey i was just wondering what the best video play is i don't care about music player just videos?
Cyberlink power DVD. Plays any video TS file. DIVX is a good free one.
I do still use cyberlink to play dvds (which is almost never on my pc). Other than that in my opinion the best is VLC.
i use cyberlink powerdvd as video player... and winamp as misuci player...
they are not the best players out there... but is my choice of use...
MPC Is the best
I also use Cyberlink PowerDVD that is integrated into my Dell Media Experience!
How good is zoom Player?
I've tried it before. It's got a lot of customizations in the option that you can do. Especially on DVD sections. A great DVD player (if you know how to configure it). I think it will work with the Nvidia DVD 2.5 (not sure about the name), which is also a dvd player. But I didn't want to give up on MPC so I uninstalled it.
I also use cyberlnk power dvd, plays most things and is very user friendly.
i tried cyberlink powerdvd v6... when i play audio files... the screen doesnt hide itself... how come...?
Cyberlink Power DVD and Intervideo Win DVD best video players.
they are expensive players... i got my powerdvd v5 when i purchase my ROM...
Yeah they are a little expensive considering you can get a cheap dvd player for $50. Cyberlink came on my pc.