Due to improper system shutdown, my access database file has been corrupted and I am not able to access or open it. I tried to repair it by using access recovery tool but I can't do.
Please suggest be best access recovery tool.
Due to improper system shutdown, my access database file has been corrupted and I am not able to access or open it. I tried to repair it by using access recovery tool but I can't do.
Please suggest be best access recovery tool.
You have given no information on what operating system you use, and which version of Access you are talking about.
(please don't spoil my day and now post a paid for recovery tool for Access you have found)
I'd recommend searching Microsoft's site for the repair instructions (I did find an article how to repair it but it was for Office 2003).
Search here:
what's the error message you get when opening the Access db?
If anyone really want to looking for ********** so I think the given manual tricks really helps them. Use any of the solution and let me know, if you will get any problem while following these steps.
1. Compact and Repair: Use the command “Compact and Repair” in *******to rebuilds the database file. Here is the important steps to use the “compact and”
2. Import corrupted database to new: If the database file has some minor corruption issues or damaged, you can import the data from corrupted database to a new file.
If you have followed the above method and still the files in the damage stage so you need to use any ***********
OK @hazelnut, now I see one of these spammers in action.
and they even supplied what your were afraid of in post #2
I bow to your supreme experience in such matters... lol
I rest my case
Post edited to remove suggested paid for solution,
Thread closed and left here to help people spot these scams.