
Why would I ever want to defrag only part of my drive - just to save a half hour? Doesn't the drive and not a file(s) need to be defragged? I think the Defraggler home page needs to provide more motivation for me to add this to my tool-bag. On the other hand, CCleaner is an obvious powerhouse.

Just in case you missed something, Defraggler is kind of free.

They aren't here to sell you their product.

You benefit from defraging the files and folders you use FREQUENTLY, as opposed to defragging your drive once a 'change of season'. ( or decade, for some )

The result is the benifit of having your most frequently used files accessible faster, not only after your full disc defrag, but always.

You could always suggest a better description once you researched it for yourself?

I suggest you just give Defraggler a chance and i'm convinced you'll see the benefits.

defraggler's performance is, to me very good tool to use. if you dont try it out, how will you experience the full effects it has to offer?. thats what i do, i like testing out new programs..and if dont like it, remove it.