Begginers guide

Hi again. I used to have a link to the Begginers Guide, but I lost it when I formatted my computer. I have looked all over in Piriform, but can't find it. Could someone please send it to me.

Thanks, edith

I believe this was answered for you already but it is always good to have:

I put it in my Favorites under Links then I Export them to a floppy diskette.

In IE go to File then Import and Export... then Next then Export Favorites then Next then select where you want them saved.

Thanks, YoKenny. Excellent info. But, I still would like to get the Begginer's Guide. That's the one that explains step by step what each of the Windows applications that you are cleaning are.

Thanks, edith

That link Ken gave you is the guide edith, just in a different format, but with lots of sub menu's which you discover as you go through it.

For example this page on Internet Explorer files:

And this one on Applications:

The old guide is still available here for the moment, but I assure you the new one is more uptodate.

I see, Thank you so much.


If you want the old pre-compiled offline version, this here may be your very last chance to grab it:

Downloadable CCleaner Beginner's Guide: