Battlestar Galactica returns tonight!

I'm excited for the return of Battlestar Galactica tonight. :)

It's really a shame thought since there's only ten episodes left in the whole series. :(

Don't worry, you'll get over it.

Mind you, I filled up a bit when they blew up Babylon 5 at the end of the very last program.


i havent watched that show since i layed eyes on the original series with lorne greene omg. hey what happened to the commander guy played by edward james olmos

Well I'm archiving the last ten episodes by encoding them. If anyone else is doing the same on their own they can use these I made for a possible DVD cover.

Note they're PNG's with transparency so the inverted ones probably won't show in all browsers, and to save them for keeps just click the thumbnail for the full sized version, then finally right click and save as - enjoy. Or download them all in one handy zip archive:

youre right, i cant see any images. im on FF by the way

The commander now admiral is still alive an kicking in the show.

youre right, i cant see any images. im on FF by the way

It can only be seen in programs that support that transparency, such as using Paint.NET and overlaying it onto a dark wallpaper for instance then wallah there it is in white lettering. I don't think programs like IrfanView support it, and I know Microsoft Paint doesn't.

i do have PDN as well as twisted brush open studio hmm