Batch file question

I've been trying to get to grips with batch files so that I can end a bunch of services and programs before I play a game that I use quite often. I've put together a working batch file that ends the services and programs I want it too, then run the game and restart those services and programs on exit.

My question is this - is there any way to also stop explorer.exe prior to running the game? When I add explorer to the batch file as a process to kill I can't get anything to launch after that, ie explorer closes and then nothing happens. I'm sure it must be possible as I've Googled and found gamers who do it but only found one suggestion of how to which doesn't work for me.

Heres the section of the batch file that isn't working (I'm using Sysinternals PSKill as 'taskkill' doesn't work in XP Home):

pskill -t explorer.exeSTART /wait C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exeSTART explorer.exeexit

The "pskill -t" command works fine for every other program and the line "START /wait C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exe" works fine, just can't get it to launch after closing explorer :(

(Apologies if this is a really simple question but I just can't find the answer)

My question is this - is there any way to also stop explorer.exe prior to running the game?

Don't know much about batchfiles.It may be that Nr2003.exe needs explorer running to initiate.

Even though some gamers say it doesn't you could check by opening taskmanager and end explorer then go to taskmanager - Applications tab - New Task and navigate to Nr2003.exe and see if it will start.

(Apologies if this is a really simple question but I just can't find the answer)

It's not a simple question - and even it was - ask away!

I am just wondering why you want to kill explorer before playing games?

Most games allocate appropriate resources anyway.

I can 'kinda' understand if u have a limited (low memory) machine, but there is a couple of reasons to keep explorer running anyhow.

First of all - if u are playing an on-line game, disabling explorer will also disable your anti-vir & firewall etc.

It will also disable any recovery system - if ur machine crashes you will loose data (and maybe more)

And, I think Explorer is kinda crucial to Windows - without one u loose the other etc, etc,

Having explorer running whilst u play ur game will not interfere with gameplay (in fact most game designers factor this into the design)

So, have fun with your games (and yes - disable every other thing [except security stuff], but leave explorer running - just to be safe.

Don't know much about batchfiles.It may be that Nr2003.exe needs explorer running to initiate.

Even though some gamers say it doesn't you could check by opening taskmanager and end explorer then go to taskmanager - Applications tab - New Task and navigate to Nr2003.exe and see if it will start.

Never thought to try that. Just have though and the game launches no problem with explorer stopped so thats not it. Must be something not quite right with the batch file :unsure:

Maybe it's this line with the short format name: C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exe

Perhaps using its long format name with quotes around it, e.g.;

"C:\Papyrus\NASCAR 2003\Nr2003.exe"

And for god's sake get a good Formula 1 game if you get sick of circling, and circling, and yet more circling - I feel dizzy already!

Maybe it's this line with the short format name: C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exe

Perhaps using its long format name with quotes around it, e.g.;

"C:\Papyrus\NASCAR 2003\Nr2003.exe"

I tried that. Its not just the game, I tried launching other applications and I can't get any of them to launch after ending explorer. The batch file works fine if I don't use the end explorer line, but as soon as I add that line anything I try to launch after it won't work.

There must be a different line or command I need to use to launch an application when explorer isn't running. I've Googled loads and can't find it, and my knowledge of batch files consists of just the last couple of days so was hoping someone on here would know (I know one or two on here have a good understanding of them).