base du registre

J'utilise ccleaner pro sous win10. Récemment , lors du nettoyage de la base de registre, ccleaner m 'identifie une clé invalide, que je supprime aussitôt.. Je relance le nettoyage du registre et cette meme clé apparait à nouveau... J ai opéré une dizaine de fois cette manipulation et tjrs cette clé présente... C est la première fois que cela m arrive... Y a t il quelque chose à faire 'docteur' ?

translation from Google

I am using ccleaner pro under win10. Recently, when cleaning the registry, ccleaner identifies an invalid key for me, which I immediately delete. I restart the cleaning of the registry and this same key appears again ... I have performed this manipulation ten times and always this key present ... It is the first time that this happens to me ... Is there something to do 'doctor'?

Sounds like it's a registry entry which doesn't want to be removed, perhaps related to your antivirus (though without knowing what the entry is I can't be sure of its origin).

It's best to only remove registry entries that you know shouldn't be there. Follow the advice in my signature below this post.

The main advice is not to use any Registry Cleaner with Windows 10.

Windows 10 registry changes too often for any register cleaner to safely keep up.

See this Microsoft article:

Le principal conseil est de ne pas utiliser de nettoyeur de registre avec Windows 10.
Le registre de Windows 10 change trop souvent pour qu'un nettoyeur de registre puisse suivre en toute sécurité.
Consultez cet article Microsoft: