$Badclus taking up drivespace


As a WinXP SP3 user I have successfully recovered all my data (~190GB) that was stored on an external Toshiba Canvio 500GB NTFS drive ( G:) which had suddenly became inaccessible.

I restored everything to a file folder on a new (963GB free) WD 1TB Passport external drive ( F:). But after recovering 190GB of data, viewing the properties/disk management shows the new F: drive using 658GB of drive space. Then I found this in Recuva's advanced results window:

Filename: $BadClus

Path: G:\

Size: 466 GB (500,105,760,768)

State: Not deleted

Creation time: 7/27/2010 03:56

Last modification time: 7/27/2010 03:56

Last access time: 7/27/2010 03:56

Comment: No overwritten clusters detected.

Data streams: 2



Is this the source of the discrepancy? I've done some digging but file structures are new to me and I can't quite figure out what I've done here. Can anyone shed some light?

$BadClus shows up in the restored folder as a zero byte file.

I used advanced mode, performed a deepscan with every switch checked. Pretty much everything showed up as recoverable. Next, I choose tree view and simply checked G: After 18 hours (!) it reported 11,260 recovered files out of 11,296 files found.

Not sure what's wrong with the Toshiba. It suddenly displayed the error messages "the drive structure is corrupted and unreadable", or "G: not accessible, parameter incorrect". Chkdsk failed to run stating "unable to determine volume version and state, chkdsk aborted”, so I decided to recoved the data then try troubleshooting the disk. It survived 18 straight hours so maybe it is file structure problem?

Appreciate any help you can lend


See this thread here, in particular the info given in post number 4.


thank you for the info, is there any remedy to this problem?