Backup Software Planning

Can a backup made by Macrium Reflect free be used with the paid version? Quite a few here use Macrium, so maybe you guys can help. Thank you.

Acronis paid has worked very well on this xp box for a long time. Macrium paid works maybe a bit better on the win 7 computer.

Sooner or later hardware fails,  and it would be great have backup files compatible with any computer.

Problem is, this Acronis software won't work on win 7, and Macrium on win 7 won't work with Acronis backup files.

Issue became important here when backing up the phone. Blackberry software for windows is good, but also big and slow and the image files are big and not at all intuitive. Also, RIM has given strong indications that they are losing interest in the phone market. So it is important to have working backups.

Until just recently I had never thought about what a mess it would be if this XP box was not available to restore the Acronis images.

So, if possible, I shall make the file & folder images w/ Macrium free, and the win xp system backups with Acronis.

Any suggestions or ideas welcome. Thanks.

Not really sure what you mean login.

When you say can the backup made by the free version be restored by the paid version (Macrium)

Are you talking here about system images or file backups?

17 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Not really sure what you mean login.

		When you say can the backup made by the free version be restored by the paid version (Macrium)  

		Are you talking here about system images or file backups?

Short version: Both.

But mostly file backups. If I accumulate (another) 40 gazillion pictures of the kids, I could make a macrium backup on xp, move it and work with it either place.

Faster, smaller, safer than straight copying, I guess.

Plus, Macrium paid is a really super software. Been working with it a lot the last few days. Lots of options. Thanks a million for the suggestion.

This xp desktop crashed a couple of times while working with .tib files and .mrimg files.

I was trying was to free up space on this hdd after moving them.

I didn't see it coming, and I think its the first time Powershadow failed to discard changes.

The screen popups were unfamiliar, didn't have time to get screenshots. 

Not sure what caused it. First thought it was caused by a software I was experimenting with, but maybe not.

More likely was because I was trying to wipe some locked files and they wouldn't allow it.

A scan with MBAM and a boot scan with Avast were ok. Chkdsk found errors and fixed them.

Soon I'll run scans w/ ESET and others, to be sure.

Computer is faster now.  Everything works so far.  For the first time in years, the drive letters show in correct alphabetical order. No idea why.  

Sooo, it doesn't seem to have been some deliberate, malicious software, just my mistakes.   

Anyway, reason for the post was to see if Macrium backups from xp would work over on win 7.

Guess I'll just copy them as is and use macrium when they get there. 

I had not thought about the issues of using 2 different backup softwares until now. :mellow: