Back from the hospital

I'm back from an unexpected five day stay at the hospital due to a dangerous blood clot found in my leg. Boy does it ever feel good to be finally out of the hospital!!!

Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your problem (sounds nasty).

Hope everything is OK now.

Andavari, Good to see you back I'm sure everyone on the forum wishes you a speedy recovery, I take it you will be on rat poison now?!! ( warfarin )

Wondering where you've been.Hope everything is OK now. :)

Are you having those clexane injections in your stomach?

Blimey they hurt! :angry:

I'm back from an unexpected five day stay at the hospital due to a dangerous blood clot found in my leg. Boy does it ever feel good to be finally out of the hospital!!!
Welcome back...:) No laptop with a wireless connection to play with. I would've died!!!!!!!! I have a phobia of hospitals and clusterphobia. Nope, I'll have to be dying to go into a hospital for extented lenght of time.

Thanks for the welcome back!

Yup! Warfarin is the stuff they had me on in an iv formula, now I've got to take the pill version for at least another six months. It's some amazing stuff because within 24 hours I'd guess about 50% of the intensive pain I was in was elevated, it gets rid of the pain however I'm not out of the danger as of yet because my body now has to get rid of the clot itself since they don't operate on anything like that.

Being without a computer drove me insane, there's only so much television one can watch and I swear most of what I was watching were re-runs played over again throughout the weekend, at least they had some Crocodile Hunter re-runs on because I could watch that non-stop. Other than that being in the hospital is one super boring experience that I don't wish to ever repeat anytime soon unless it's absolutely necessary.

Being without a computer drove me insane, there's only so much television one can watch and I swear most of what I was watching were re-runs played over again throughout the weekend, at least they had some Crocodile Hunter re-runs on because I could watch that non-stop. Other than that being in the hospital is one super boring experience that I don't wish to ever repeat anytime soon unless it's absolutely necessary.
Crocodile Hunter, he is awesome, I miss him. I don't hardly watch tv myself. My fiance is the one that watches more then I do. With her TV Tuner card she is hooked. Now if we can only get the gb-pvr to work right...:( I'd have to agree boring as hell. Sleep is the only thing you can do or try. Either they are taking vitals for blood for the Vampires!

80: Kidney biopsy, I think I was in there for 3 days, but I was a kid then and don't remember too much.

95: They thought I had appendicitis but it was a bad stomach flu. I was in the hospital for 2 days. My gf stayed with me the whole time. She even slept with me in my bed. Never had that happend before. I was the latest gossip on the floor.

03: Galbadder surgery, I was in there for 2 days with that. I just ran up the phone bill then.

I'm back from an unexpected five day stay at the hospital due to a dangerous blood clot found in my leg. Boy does it ever feel good to be finally out of the hospital!!!

Glad to hear your ok.

I just figured you were busy or something, not in the hospital. :(

Glad to hear you are ok and getting better Andavari. Take care brother.

Welcome back. I've heard blood clots hurt. I hope I never get one...

Glad to hear your ok.

I just figured you were busy or something, not in the hospital. :(

I would have taken busy over a hospital stay!

It was my first lengthy stay in the hospital, and it's good that my problem can be fixed without surgery.

I've heard blood clots hurt.

Although I've never been shot or stabbed before I would imagine the pain being on the same level - but then again I have a rather high threshold of pain which is probably why it took two weeks for me to visit the doctor.

Thinking it was just muscle pain could have ended up being a fatal mistake! ;)

Glad you're feeling better Andavari! :D

Glad you're feeling better Andavari! biggrin.gif

krit, this topic was like 24 days old :lol:

but i missed it the first time too.

glad your back ;)

krit, this topic was like 24 days old :lol:

but i missed it the first time too.

glad your back ;)

I know it is old. Andavari gave me a link because he said his leg had been feeling good for about 3 days now. Therefore, my post was relevant because his leg has only been feeling good for 4 days (as of today, maybe 5)! So I am glad that it's feeling better now! Even if it took 24 days to feel better. ;)

I'm glad to be back too. :) Thanks.

Hey Aaron! :P:P:P:P