any reason why avi files don't seem to work in my wmp eventhough they are one of the files that rae suposed to?
Tx gys for any feedback.
any reason why avi files don't seem to work in my wmp eventhough they are one of the files that rae suposed to?
Tx gys for any feedback.
Google is your friend, here's a search for the problem. Or view this Microsoft topic. In short it's probably an installed codec issue such as you're missing the proper decoding codec to play the file.
thank you andavari, I'll look into that this evening.
let me know if you still cant get it working, i have some codec packs that works as many different decoders.
I've tried to read through the material but to no avail, it seems this problem has to do with some codecs.
Anyways, thanks Thefireinthesky I'll take those codecs from you to try & see.
Very appreciated indeed.
Check out this site
Hell you may find a different player on there too and ditch WMP.
let me know if andavaris post helped.
if not, give me your email and i can email you this codec pack.
AVI files should play no problem in windows media player. My advice would be to just try a reinstall(probably easiest).
If you want a codec pack you can get klite here with media player classic(awesome light weight player)
I just downloaded K Lite Codec Pack Full today as I too ran into an AVI that WMP 10 wouldn't play properly.
So it's definately a missing or outdated codec issue in WMP.
Ahh s**t, I just noticed visiting the link you provided rridgely that I need the codec pack you suggested to play QuickTime and Real media. Arrrf!
Hmm.. I've never had wmp not play AVI files before. I don't usually use it for video(or music for that matter. ) anyway but I wonder whats wrong with it. Maybe it will be fixed in 11 which I guess is coming out pretty soon.
BTW andavari what music player are you using right now? I'm still using mediamonkey but Its starting to annoy me.
Well one prime example of an AVI that will only play the audio but show no video in WMP 10 is Neurothing - Macheta.
I'm still using Foobar2000 v0.8.3, yeah it's outdated but I won't go without a particular plugin that I've never seen updated. MediaMonkey got on my nerves in only a few minutes.
I might start using foobar again. I just have to figure out why it kept wiping my settings. Mediamonkey is doing something strange where it is listing all my tracks twice but one is grayed out. Strangest thing ever and its not a problem it just makes it longer to scroll through the songs.
Next month wxmusic is releasing an update so I think I'll wait to try that before switching.
Remember that PM from a long time ago when I said to backup your Foobar2000 configuration file foobar2000.cfg? It's just one of those audio players that I would dread to lose my configuration in because it takes so long to setup just as I like it from scratch - albeit Columns UI saved schemes do cut down on allot of manual stuff. I backup about once a week my .cfg file and my Columns UI schemes and as of yet haven't lost my configuration even after a Windows re-install last year.
Next month wxmusic is releasing an update so I think I'll wait to try that before switching.
I've looked at that before and perhaps but I don't remember if I may have installed it once or not. From the screenshot on the main page I already know I wouldn't like it due to the "scrunching" of the albums list, but I'm very picky.
Um that update they refer to was last year, here's the article.
Yeah I've still got it. I haven't reinstalled foobar again yet.
I might do that later tonight actually.
i gotta butt into this one.
i dont like foobar.
i think winamp is the greatest one that ive tried so far.
foobars kinda plain.
as far as i know, theres no internet radio stations, an easy media library access, nor does it play videos from what i can see.
maybe i just didnt mess with it long enough
It doesn't play videos you're correct, but that also means you don't have to deal with a mess like WMP not playing an AVI file you'd think it would play since it supposedly plays AVI's.
Foobar2000 can be giving a big facelift by using Columns UI for which I wouldn't even use Foobar2000 if it wasn't for Columns UI - that's how much of a difference it makes for me as I'm not going to tweak the jibba jabba that looks like some foreign langauge in Foobar2000 when a GUI'd application can do it all rather easily.
I do like Winamp's ID3 tagger though, but too bad it doesn't have a mass tagger.
All I can say is....
I've looked at that site maybe 3 times in the last 6 months waiting to see if a beta was going to pop up somewhere and the update came out last year?
That program is kind of just a branch off of this one:
That one wasn't being updated so I thought wxmusik was the continuation of the project. Ok I'm a skimmer.
i gotta butt into this one.
i dont like foobar.
i think winamp is the greatest one that ive tried so far.
foobars kinda plain.
as far as i know, theres no internet radio stations, an easy media library access, nor does it play videos from what i can see.
maybe i just didnt mess with it long enough
Here is what my foobar looked like before it killed itself:
(had to digg up that pic from an old thread. )
I like it because it plays everything, has great library functions with the right plug ins, has a simple interface, and is extremely light on resources. Basically I wanted it to not have all the bloat, I mean features that you described. (joke of course)
I do like Winamp's ID3 tagger though, but too bad it doesn't have a mass tagger.
got one.
its called shuffleplay. its freeware
pretty much all of the 3000 songs i have didnt come from CD's so i like to organize it by my comment, title, ect..
Yeah It looks cool but that's all it is. It's too slow and bloated.MediaMonkey got on my nerves in only a few minutes.
Yeah It looks cool but that's all it is. It's too slow and bloated.
That actually isn't what bothered me as with most media players like that they are indeed bloated, however if they come with skins that will cause bloating. It was instead how it was "dis-organizing" stuff in the upper middle/right where the Artist and Albums area is that made finding nearly 60 GB of music I currently have on my secondary hdd too troublesome to deal with - so much so that even WMP 10 was actually better suited for that many music files.