AVG scan

Hi guys,

today when doing my weekly scan i noticed in avg that when it started to do the scan as it runs down the system saying "quick checked"inC:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32dll which i have 2 of.one of them says result ok yet the other one says changed .I have not noticed this before what is it?thankyou.

You may wish to use eTrust's antivirus. AVG and Avast will say they find viruses but do nothing about them. Try with eTrust and see if this problem persists. :)


Are you saying that it could be a possible virus then?

My others didn't pick up anything.

I have ewido,cwshredder,s&d spyware blaster and CCleaner

Is it shell32.dll or shell32dll?

Spyware Blaster blocks cookies and ActiveX, CWShredder looks for the CWS Variants, CCleaner wouldn't touch it. ewido has a chance of detecting if it's a virus or trojan.

The problem here is what we know about it is little to nothing. shell32.dll is a legit Microsoft file. Mine is located in the system32 directory. However my dllcache directory doesn't have that file.

Often viruses will mask themselves as a legit file. In this case it could be that shell32dll (not shell32.dll) may be a virus. That's why I recommended scanning it with eTrust.

This doesn't mean there's a problem, it means the file was updated or an error on the disk corrected. This thread on the AVG forum explains it, and what to do about it: http://forum.grisoft.cz/freeforum/read.php...4,backpage=,sv=

The only thing you have to worry about is files that are shown as infected.


thankyou for the info,i did what it said for me to do but,it's still showing up as changed so i guess i'll have to delete file and let it rebuild as it said i might have to.

You're welcome. You could just ignore it, too. I had 5 of those "change" entries for a long time before I bothered to do anything about them. It's not like they do anything...

I don't want to disparage Tarun's advice, he knows a lot more about computer security than I do.He's just not a fan of AVG, and maybe a little quick to assume there's a problem with it. I'm sure he's correct that eTrust is a better AV, and it's got a 1 year free trial, which is not a bad deal.