AVG 8 free is out

I haven't tried it yet but it is available.

If you do try it let us know what you think. :D


Well, blue seems to be popular lately, don'tcha think?

I just installed and fired it up. Here's the very first gist of it.

It warns you that you have another av program installed and that you should uninstall it before installing AVG8. Does it mention which av app it is? No.

So you hunt and you ponder....till you hit the Next button. "You have AVG7 installed, which you should uninstall before installing AVG8." Oh boy. Okay, maybe it was the translation shuffle or something.

Okay, we've crossed that barrier and come upon the next snag....but not before it's to late to change. After it.

I was wondering as I zipped through the 2 EULAs in the beginning, "why were there 2 EULAs?".

Now I know. The 2nd EULA must've been for Yahoo Toolbar, which you somehow mysteriously 'need' in order for AVGs' anti-phishing security to work. I wonder how many man-hours Yahoo personaly put into this security for the benefit of mankind.

These are the 2 screenshots I grabbed during set-up and reboot.



Needless to say (but I will say it anyway ;) ) I'm gonna uninstall AVG8 and re-install it without the 'extra security' thingy in the installation process.

I never saw anything about Yahoo toolbar during the installation, but I did have the option of installing the AVG toolbar, which I declined.

I also had to uninstall AVG Anti-Spyware or allow the installation to uninstall it, which I thought was strange.

I never saw anything about Yahoo toolbar during the installation, but I did have the option of installing the AVG toolbar, which I declined.

I also had to uninstall AVG Anti-Spyware or allow the installation to uninstall it, which I thought was strange.

That AVG Toolbar is incorporated into the Yahoo Toolbar. Bingo! You surpassed it. That's what I'm gonna do right now. I can't stand Yahoo and Google Toolbars. They eat up too much browser space for junk I'll never search.

If you search a lot, go for it. I don't need it. (/grumpy old fart)

This crap does not sound good to me. The pop ups I have been getting from AVG were a sign of things to come with AVG.

How is the new version resource wise.? How many processes running and how much RAM? How fast are the scans?

Woah, I wasn't checking on that. One thing you may want to know is if you do install AVG8 you have the opportunity to fully uninstall it, Toolbar & all, via Add/Remove Programs.

A good point you brought up there. I've never had the pop-ups you've mentioned. That could be a BackWeb/WinME throwback thingy from my old days that inadvertantly saved me somehow. Who knows.


AVG Free Edition 8.0 merges anti-virus with anti-spyware, adds safe-search

LinkScanner technology incorporated into AVG?s latest free offering.

Andrew Hendry 24/04/2008 12:37:55


AVG's Anti-Virus Free Edition 8.0 will be available for download from Friday 25 April, providing basic protection against

viruses and spyware to consumers.

The key difference AVG Free 8.0 boasts over the previous edition is the merging of AVG's anti-virus and spyware engine into

the one product.

"So now it only requires one pass to do both jobs," said AVG's Australia New Zealand marketing manager Lloyd Borrett.

"That would be a primary reason (for upgrading) but I really think one of the key reasons is that we've also put the

LinkScanner real time safe-searching technology into the product as well," he said.

http://www.explabs.com/ one good think is linkScanner with the toolbar you need it. :huh:

Another AVG Free v8.0 thread is also going on here:


I'd try to merge them but I don't want to make a total mess, so I'll leave well enough alone. ;)

Wow, AVG seems to be getting bloated. It's failed me once, so I think I'll stick with McAfee.

anybody checked for system resources consumption or done a scan yet ? if its quicker than Avast online and offline; one might still consider using it; ie if one can really avoid the aforesaid incorporated tool bar / phishing mumbo-jumbo

I can't test speeds but I did avoid the toolbar by choosing the easy install instead of the customized install. Anybody who's used AVG for years would naturally choose the customized install. And that's where they snag you. You have no choice but to install the toolbar.

So uninstall it and next time choose the easy install. You'll be given the option of installing the toolbar or not.

cheers for that will give it a go

I'd love to see a spoof image of a browser with every possible available toolbar on it. I imagine there'd be zero room for the browser window. Matter of fact it'd probably be several scroll pages long. <_<

I did avoid the toolbar by choosing the easy install instead of the customized install.

I avoided it by actually doing the Customized install and sure enough there was a check box to untick for the toolbar. I wouldn't have installed it had I not been able to disable the installation of the toolbar, regardless of how it's supposed to help it just all sounds like spyware in an anti-malware application so I hope nobody gets duped by it however; If people skim through, or don't read that license agreement especially the Privacy section of the license they're going to get snagged with that AVG Toolbar.

Luckily AVG Free 8.0 uninstalls rather thoroughly file-wise that is. I stated in the other thread that I was going to keep it installed for a couple of days until I later thought why bother with this - hence my curiosity was over about it, and I merrily went back to Avast.

I can't help but think of pirates every time I read the word Avast.

Anyone considered paying a few bucks/pounds for NOD32


I'd love to see a spoof image of a browser with every possible available toolbar on it. I imagine there'd be zero room for the browser window. Matter of fact it'd probably be several scroll pages long. <_<

Not every toolbar, but 200 extensions is worth a look:



I wonder why the extensions are in toolbars instead of in the side panel. Yeesh, what a waste of real estate.

Ditto ;)
