AVCFree.exe how do I get rid of this it keeps adding registry entry

Hi, I installed sometime ago Any Video Converter 5 to my pc then after it didn't work properly I uninstalled it using CCleaner.

For the past 3 months I have had virus like activity when I start windows even when in the bios mode I get lines down the screen and eventually when windows asks me to login it freezes. Sometimes the screen just stays off.

I then go into safemode and run registry cleaner and this comes up every time, see pic below. I clean it reboot and the pc works of for say 3 days then starts again with the same redundant AVCFree.exe registry that seems to be recurring.

When the pc is fine no AVCFree.exe registry can be found.

So if someone could help me remove this then that would be great and much appreciated, thanks.

In the mean time I would stay clear AnvSoft, Any Video Converter 5 as it will cause you problems.

One more thing I have tried antivirus cleaners but they don't seem to do the trick.


Do you still have the AnvSoft Program folder left in your Program Files? If so is there anything in it?

It may be a good idea for you to have one of the malware removal forums have a look at your pc. They will be able to tell if that software brought any ''friends'' in with it when it was installed.

See a list of such here under item 10 of the Forum Rules. They are all very good.


Just post the logs they ask for on the forum you choose and they will sort you out, don't worry.

Hi Hazelnut,

Thanks for the reply and your information, yes I did get rid of all AnvSoft files left over but that didn't make any difference. But last night I had a good look at it and went into regedit and looked for it myself and found it. Whilst looking for it found that it was in a file called command a sub file of open, I deleted The avcfree.exe reg file and that seems to of done the trick fingers crossed.

So the dir. path was HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\shell\open\command

I noticed that CCleaner registry path was only down to open, was this why it would appear again after rebooting?

Yes I do agree that only quailfied people should be able to help with this sort of thing. Thanks for telling me about it as I am a bit the wiser now!

Thanks again, Tony

These are some of the registry run areas to look into:





I'd think if it keeps coming back it possibly isn't fully uninstalled. Perhaps see if AnvSoft has a remover.