avast! not being cleaned in XP SP3

The latest version of CCleaner doesn't automatically recognize avast! files on my mom's computer with XP Service Pack 3. avast! is in the Utilities list and selected, but when I analyze it doesn't list any avast! files, nor does it delete any if I simply clean without analyzing. There are log files in avast! that could be cleaned but they're not for some reason. If I add one of them to the Include list, then it recognizes it and deletes it. I have the avast! self-protection module enabled on both machines and CCleaner cleans avast! just fine on mine with Vista. Can anyone think of anything that might be causing this? Thanks. :)

Nothing can clean Avast with Avast's self-protection module enabled, not even Windows own delete commands, and it isn't worth disabling to clean a few log files!

Better off using avast own delete feature.

settings - maintenance -

Read my post carefully. I said CCleaner DOES clean avast! on my computer with Vista, even with Avast's self-protection on. Why doesn't it on the other computer with the same settings?

Avast's self-protection module shouldn't interfere with the harmless deletion of log files anyway. And why doesn't it block deletion if I add the files manually with Include? It seems if it was blocking deletion it would block this as well.

EDIT: I just tried the XP machine with Avast's self-protection off and CCleaner still doesn't delete any of the logs.

Read my post carefully. I said CCleaner DOES clean avast! on my computer with Vista, even with Avast's self-protection on. Why doesn't it on the other computer with the same settings?

Read your post more carefully ! ! !

AVAST is not a fixed quantity.

Filehippo now offer version 5.0.677, and many others going back to 4.5.549

What version(S) are you using ?

Are you sure that Avast is self protecting the Vista Log files ?

Perhaps self protection targets differ between versions of Avast,

and even the same version may alter its protection targets when installed under different O.S.

If you depend upon AVAST for protection and it is failing to protect against CCleaner,

then perhaps you need a change of "protection".

I just tried the XP machine with Avast's self-protection off and CCleaner still doesn't delete any of the logs.

Did you reboot the computer AFTER turning off protection and BEFORE using CCleaner ?

Some changes only come into effect after a reboot.

Are you sure that Avast tries to protect its log files ?

Is it possible that on your Mom's XP the log files are on a path other than what CCleaner is configured for ?

Obviously log files are not needed when everything is in order,

but could they be helpful when trying to restore normality after a malware invasion ?

I only ask the question, but there are experts around who know the answers.


Alan: I wonder if it is to do with the logs are under all users? C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\log

Did I restart? Yes

Is anyone else with XP SP3 experiencing this or is it just me?

Did I restart? Yes

Is anyone else with XP SP3 experiencing this or is it just me?

Sorry no. I dont bother with logs. Why not just do what i suggested and be done with it?

ident, there are a few reasons. First, the delete option in avast! only applies to scan logs and avast! has a lot of other logs besides scan logs. Second, the option in avast! to limit the size of other logs doesn't work; logs keep growing anyway. Third, my question is about how to use Ccleaner, not avast!

If anyone has any input on why CCleaner isn't recognizing avast! in Windows XP I could use the help, otherwise I'm done with this.

First, the delete option in avast! only applies to scan logs and avast! has a lot of other logs besides scan logs.

What is to you a needless log could be to others an essential component of a virus signature database.

No one will ever know what you are on about unless you specify the specific file name and path to each "log" that concerns you.