Avast! Help!

Avast! keeps giving me a small reddish pop up frame just above the system tray area telling me it's having trouble updating. I poked about and checked everything in the program and all the connection settings seem to me to be correct.

I try to manually download updating via Tools/Updating and clicked on both of the options there and nothing seems to happen. In Settings there are also some options for manually updating and "update now", I've tried them all and yet that red pop up keeps coming up.

What am I doing wrong?

Was this a fresh installalation or did you install over a old copy?

You may want to reinsallt avast.

Was this a fresh installalation or did you install over a old copy?

You may want to reinsallt avast.


Fresh as fresh can be and also a fresh version of WinXP (just formatted). Next time I boot up and get onto Windows I'll reinstall though, like you said!

Check your firewall logs if their advanced enough to show if the updater .exe program was blocked.

Check your firewall logs if their advanced enough to show if the updater .exe program was blocked.


I think it must have been that because the firewall was blocking it, so thanks!