Avast free antivirus.

I hope this is the right sub forum.

I have had Avast free antivirus, on my computer, for some time. Today I have clicked the desktop icon several times and Avast does not appear.

Given such limited information, does anyone know what the problem might be and are there any relatively simple steps I could take to fix it?

It would help if you said which operating system you are using and which version of Avast :)

If you go to the start menu can you start Avast from there?

If Avast won't load try restarting your computer, could easily be a driver or file it needs couldn't load for whatever reason and it wouldn't be the first time such an issue has stricken an antivirus product.

if you are lucky, Avast is still protecting you and you just can't bring up the UI.

can you still see the icon in the system tray?

bringing up Task Manager and looking for avast will confirm that, but that doesn't really matter, you want 100% confidence in your AV software.

i would be downloading latest version, disconnecting internet access, uninstalling current version, rebooting, and reinstalling if Andavari's suggestion didn't fix it.

If Avast won't load try restarting your computer, could easily be a driver or file it needs couldn't load for whatever reason and it wouldn't be the first time such an issue has stricken an anti virus product.

This seems to have worked. Thanks!

Three questions:-

1) How do I find out which version of Avast I am using?

2)If I ever want to uninstall current version can I do that by going to control panel and then to add/remove programmes or do i need a special uninstall tool?

3) If I ever decide to uninstall Avast and replace it I thought of Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) or Panda Cloud anti-virus.

Does anyone have any comments on either of these or any other free system recommendations?

three answers;

1. there are a few ways, one is to do an update from within Avast, this will tell you both the program and database versions of what you have and what there is available.

another is in About (along the top from memory but I haven't Avast in front of me on this Pc and I don't yet know v8 well enough from memory)

2. you are correct on both accounts. Add/Remove from Control Panel, and in the unlikely event that fails, they do a removal tool.

3. there are 3 good, free AV's I have used and recommend; AVG, Avast and MSE.

Avast has Avast Uninstall Utility if it won't uninstall using Add/Remove, it's here (probably last resort):


I've been using Panda Cloud Antivirus for the last 7 weeks and it runs really light - note that I did not install the Panda Security Toolbar simply because I'm completely opposed to any toolbars, however it does add anti-malware protection (and in my opinion other junk I could careless about) in compatible web-browsers i.e.; Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.

Panda Cloud Antivirus can be manually configured in its 'Advanced Settings->Scan (tab)' to 'Background scanning after synchronization' which basically means it will automatically scan your system after it syncs with the Panda cloud servers, and one added benefit is you don't have to worry about daily signature file updates anymore but you must have an active Internet connection in order for it to be effective. Microsoft Security Essentials is pre-configured to automatically update daily and also to scan your system once per week and needs zero user interaction to do that. So both can be set-it-and-forget-it antivirus programs.


Should mention, if you want an antivirus that does NOT show you any ad banners whatsoever choose Microsoft Security Essentials!!!!!

For years I used Avast and really liked it. When my wife and I got new computers, our computer guy highly recommended COMODO Internet Security Premium. We decided to give it a try so we let him install it. We have had no problems with it and find it to be very good.

I'm certainly not knocking Avast but just wanted to mention another good product.


Avast is quite good but I dislike having to register first hand.