AVAST 2014 and Ccleaner 4.06 bug

HI there ,

this is my first post here.

I have been using ccleaner from last 3 years, it is a great program.

Recently i start using avast anti virus free.

i found that ccleaner tries to remove avast antivirus related registry entries.

but avast dont let ccleaner to edit its registry data just because of it self defence technology.

why ccleaner wants to edit avast registry data.?

you will see these kind of lines in avast log file.

10/24/2013 8:35:40 PM Write access to registry key \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\aswFsBlk\ denied. [C:\Program Files\C Cleaner\CCleaner.exe]

please see attached file for more. or goto this link : http://pastebin.com/q5qfNvDb

i hope you will fix this problem very soon.

note : i m using avast 2014 RTM+ CCleaner 4.06 (without winapp2.ini) on Windows XP X86.


It sounds like you're using the registry section of ccleaner. Will you confirm/deny this assumption for us to better aid you

Bug Reports have more importance if they relate to the current version, which as of 6 days ago was 4.07

also isn't the RTM version a beta version?

upgraded to v4.07 today. The problem still exist.

and i m using avast free 9.0.2006 final .

also tested with avast 8.0.1497 in a fresh win xp virtual box machine and problem occur here too.

yes i m using registry section of ccleaner.

yes i m using registry section of ccleaner.

The cause of this "issue" here is that the Antivirus program is doing it's job. The entry appears in ccleaner's "issues" because you don't want to have the registry entries of the antivirus be easily identifiable, else malware could easily remove it.

In ccleaner you can right click the entry and choose to add it to your exclude list. Please read my signature for further understanding of how to use the registry section of ccleaner or any of registry effecting software.

thanks, will try and will be back.