

I am running XP SP2.

upgraded from v 217 to v218 and now shutsdown automatically.

Have down a system restore to prior to installing update but to no avail.

Could you please advise how I get remove this option as it appears to have installed AUTOSHUTDOWN automatically without my knowledge

HAVE CHECKED Advanced settings and " Close program after cleaning is NOT ticked"

Tried system restore to prior to installing V218 and now hae renamed file CCleaner NEW NAME CCleaner [2] Locaion C:Documents and Settings\Owner\StartMenu\Programs

NOW after restore V217 is shutting down automatically.

Have uninstalled program, restored to a point where ve 217 was installed still shutting down.

Restored to an earlier point and deleted all reference to CCleaner in regedit.

Reninstalled V217 but still auto closes and this option is not ticked.

Please advise how to fix -Step by step as newbie.

Don't see the point of telling newbiew the command line when we dont know how to get there?



Verify that your CCleaner shortcut parameters look exactly like this, without any commands after it:

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"

Screenshot (click to enlarge):


Verify that your CCleaner shortcut parameters look exactly like this, without any commands after it:

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"

Screenshot (click to enlarge):



Yes matches your exactly


"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"


Yes matches your exactly


"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"


Is there anyone who can help with this problem or can tell me where I go to get this resolved?

It is really irritating



Hi Janina. Can I confirm as to whether CCleaner is using "Auto Shutdown", as in running and then closing down your computer, or is it just CCleaner itself closing itself down after every run?

Reading your first post, and then your reply to Andavari, I'm guessing it could be the second.

To be honest, after System Restoring etc, it's a puzzle as to why this setting hasn't disappeared.

Although this shouldn't be a solution, taking into account your efforts to fix things, have a look in CCleaners Program Files folder and see if there's a "ccleaner.ini" file there.

If so, delete it.

If you haven't previously checked the "Save all settings to INI file" box, then there shouldn't be one, but check it out just in case.

THANK YOU - in reply - have put my responses after your comments

Hi Janina. Can I confirm as to whether CCleaner is using "Auto Shutdown", as in running and then closing down your computer, or is it just CCleaner itself closing itself down after every run?

Reading your first post, and then your reply to Andavari, I'm guessing it could be the second.- YES there is no AUTOSHUTDOWN in the properties section

To be honest, after System Restoring etc, it's a puzzle as to why this setting hasn't disappeared. I AGREE, Don't understand

Although this shouldn't be a solution, taking into account your efforts to fix things, have a look in CCleaners Program Files folder and see if there's a "ccleaner.ini" file there. NO- no ini file

If so, delete it.

If you haven't previously checked the "Save all settings to INI file" box, then there shouldn't be one, but check it out just in case.

SO am back at problem. DON'T know what happened.

Had same problem on Laptop when upgraded to V218 but when I did restore on Laptop fixed problem.

Didn't work on DTop unfortuntely.

Does this mean a clean install or are there file in regedit I can delete to fix problem?

Thanks again for your reply, though not a 'serious' problem very frustrating



Janina, you don't say if you've had a look in CCleaners Program Files folder for a "ccleaner.ini" file.

C:\Program Files\CCleaner.


This is where that setting is kept if you have one. Short of that I have no idea why it keeps reappearing for you. I do know there was a similar poster quite some time back with the same or a similar problem.

If I can hunt out that post there may be an answer there, although I have a feeling that it wasn't resolved that time either.

I'll have a look for it.

Janina, you don't say if you've had a look in CCleaners Program Files folder for a "ccleaner.ini" file.

C:\Program Files\CCleaner.


This is where that setting is kept if you have one. Short of that I have no idea why it keeps reappearing for you. I do know there was a similar poster quite some time back with the same or a similar problem.

If I can hunt out that post there may be an answer there, although I have a feeling that it wasn't resolved that time either.

I'll have a look for it.


under C:\rogram Files\CCleaner - I have Lang folder, CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe

