Automatic updates

My cCleaner automatically updates every few hours and closes my laptop webpages. How do I stop auto updates?

what do you mean update. Going from one version to the next is what I hear when I read it, is that what you mean? It shouldn't close webpages at update at all; a new version comes out once a month with a few exceptions, but lately once a month.

Sorry, what I meant was that it 'cleans the browser' three or four times a day, The browser closes and I have to sign in again to all the pages that were open.

turn off smart monitoring in options (or change its settings as you see fit) also if you want to keep your logins check the cookies option and move cookies you want to keep to the right hand column (this will only help in custom clean and the smart monitoring not in health check which uses its own rules and ignores the cookies oprions)

As Nergal says that sounds like Smart Cleaning is periodically cleaning the junk that is building up on your system.

Go to Options>Smart Cleaning and untick these 2 boxes (do the lower one first) to stop it doing that:


At the moment CCleaner should also be asking you if you want to close the browser or not before cleaning, or be skipping cleaning the browser automatically if you have set it not to warn you - but doing the above and turning Smart Cleaning off is easiest.

Do you have CCleaner Free or CCleaner Pro?

If you have CCleaner Pro and you want to leave Smart Cleaning on but not clean as often then you could change the 'If cleaning saves more than' to a higher number of GB so that it doesn't trigger as often.

PS. The 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' in Smart Cleaning (which is below that screenshot) only cleans when you actually close the browser yourself, and only works in Pro.

To stop CCleaner closing tabs and logging you out of websites when you do clean a browser - untick 'Session' for the browser in CCleaners Custom Clean.

As it says in that screenshot, Smart Cleaning always uses Custom Clean and Not Health Check.