I have the Pro version and recently got a couple of pieces of software updated automatically. For example Audacity.
I really don't want this to be automatic - rather an information page presented where I can select the update or not. In fact working just like the Driver Updater.
The Software Updater doesn't run automatically; in fact, at this time, it cannot be set to do so.
It'll only run if you go to Tools > Software Updater.
You can schedule the standard Custom Clean, use Smart Cleaning to let CCleaner automatically advise you of (or clean) selected browsers or the Custom Cleaning, and it can check for updated drivers (but not install them) and CCleaner updates - otherwise, it can perform tasks when you specifically tell it to do so.
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The Software Updater doesn't run automatically; in fact, at this time, it <em>cannot</em> be set to do so.
It'll only run if you go to Tools > Software Updater.
That is no longer entirely correct.
Health Check automatically runs the Software Updater ('Security' tab) if you have CCleaner Pro.
To prevent software updates happening automatically from Health Check Pro you have 3 options:
Use Custom Clean and not Health Check. (You can still run Software Updater seperately as johnccleaner says).
After a Health Check scan if 'Security' has found something to update then click on 'Security' and untick what it has found to prevent it being updated. NOTE - that you will need to do that everytime that you use Health Check and 'Security' finds something to be updated.
If you go offline (eg. Flight Mode on a laptop) before running Health Check then it can't contact a server to check for or fetch any upate(s).
You can set Custom Clean to be the default that CCleaner shows you by changing Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen.
Health Check does what it does and as far as I know there are no plans to give it any more user changable options, it's meant as a quick/easy 'default' clean and check for those who don't want to be bothered with customising things.
If you do want to customise things then Custom Clean is there.
If you could customise both then there wouldn't be much point in having both.
I did miss a third option that will prevent Health Check from automatically updating software in the Pro version (I'll edit the above post and add it):
If you go offline (eg. Flight Mode on a laptop) before running Health Check then it can't contact a server to check for or fetch any upate(s).
Apologies for the oversight, Nukecad is absolutely correct. (Thanks for correcting me!)
That being said, you still have to go and run Health Check for it to update software, but yes, if you do not go to the Security tile and uncheck software you don't want to be updated, it will attempt to update the software it detects when you do so.
Nukecad is also correct in that Health Check is meant to be a 'one size fits all' solution, and so doesn't have long-term customization options. I'll mention your concern to the development team, though, certainly; and in the mean time, using Custom Clean (equivalent to Privacy and Space), Tools > Startup (for Speed), and Tools > Software Updater (for Security) would allow you to control these functions to a much finer degree.
Regarding going offline before running Health Check, that is correct; it will also prevent the Speed tile from working as well, though - just as a heads up.
Ah well! - I've found the 'tick box' I was after (well not a tick box exactly but the same thing)
Doing the normal Health check there's an option before you press 'Make it Better' on the right hand side, at the bottom of that screen - which will show you if there are any apps that WILL be updated (so this is good for those that want the quick and easy, fire and forget option) - BUT if you press the blue round gear option - it displays the item(s) to be updated - and you can choose to or not. Excellent!
Yes, that's Option #2 of the three options that I gave above last week. (Did you read them).
As said that only works the one time, it isn't remembered so you have to do it everytime that you run Health Check and it finds something.
You don't actually have to click on the blue gear icon, clicking anywhere in the 'Security' box will open it.
PS. The other 3 boxes, Privacy, Space, & Speed all work in the same way, if you click one of those it will also open and let you choose things no to clean that one time.
nukecad - I think you mean option 2? Yes I did read it but it didn't click at time - though something must have been retained by the ole memory cells - as that's exactly what I picked up few days later. So thanks for the info - I just re-expressed it.