Automatic update CCPro of 5.81.8895->5.82.8950 fails on Windows 10 version 21H1


When I press the Update Now button, it download the new package and closes the window. Leaving it for an hour results in no update to the CCleaner version. I have 135 days left on my current license.


Download the 'Slim' installer from here (3rd one down) and double click 'ccsetup582_slim.exe' to install it:

It should pick up your existing licence, but if not and it installs as Free then simply go to Options>About and click on Upgrade to Pro, enter your current licence key in the box, and click register.

(You may want to make a note of your licence key from 5.81 before installing 5.82, just in case. It can be found at Options>About>License Information).

PS. Once you have 5.82 I'd avoid the new Driver Updater, it's causing serious issues for some users.

If the above still does not work for you then it looks like something may be blocking the install, please come back telling us which Windows version you have and what AntiVirus you are using.

Thank you! This actually succeded in updating the software. I take it that if I don't proceed through the screens on the "driver updater" tab that it won't take any action?

You should be OK having a look and or doing a scan, as long as you don't tell it to actually update any drivers.

It might update them without problem, but seeing the number of reports we have had here in the last two days I wouldn't risk it.

(TBH I wouldn't risk any driver updater anyway).