Automate multiple registry scan/fix cycles


Let me being by saying that I have used CC for years now and have never had a problem.

When cleaning the registry I always save before fixing. Since fixing often "reveals" other issues I find myself often doing 3 or more scan/fix cycles.

I know it doesn't take very long, just a couple of clicks, but just the same perhaps the option to automate "scan/fix/repeat" could be included.

Yes I know folks suggest caution when fixing but CC has never "broken" any of my computers.

I will take full responsibility for using this option. :)

Thanks for listening.

Yes I know folks suggest caution when fixing but CC has never "broken" any of my computers.

I will take full responsibility for using this option. :)

Thanks for listening.

You kinda answered your own thread ;)

Sadly while you "will take responsibility for using the option" hundreds if not thousands of users would not be so conceding of their fault.

Just because you've never been struck by lightning doesn't make electricity less dangerous.

Just because you've never been struck by lightning doesn't make electricity less dangerous.

Saying of the week! ;)

well said!

damnit..i wish i can like the post

got reached quota notification..

damnit..i wish i can like the post

got reached quota notification..

all members get that 'error' - the feature hasn't been turned on.

all members get that 'error' - the feature hasn't been turned on.

haha..thnx for that info

i thought i'm the only one

sorry for the OT

mumble, mumble... bunch of 'fraidy cats... ;)

mumble, mumble... bunch of 'fraidy cats... ;)

Most CCleaner users are NOT suicidal so we like to keep it safe for them.

But please feel free to use any of the more aggressive registry cleaners that are readily available :)

mumble, mumble... bunch of 'fraidy cats... ;)

Aggressive registry cleaning can often result into reinstalling software or worse yet reinstalling Windows. Some of the damage isn't necessarily obvious immediately either, since we can't use each and every aspect of our systems in a short amount of time.