Autohide DVD drive option

Most of the time, users will never be defragging a floppy drive.

Same goes for installed CD/DVD media.

But they show up in defraggler, anyway.


Can you include an option for users to checkmark that will allow a user to specify to auto-hide drives such as:

- Floppy Drive A: (if installed)

- Floppy Drive B: (if installed)

- All CD/DVD drives: (if installed)


Flash drives may drain write cycles if "defragged" so the option to auto-hide:

- Flash Drives

- Solid State (SSD) Drives


When hiding the flash type drives, Defraggler should show the flash & SSD drives greyed out (with a "This drive cannot benefit from a defrag") beside of it.

This would help users a lot.

Not only would this simplify the drives in the list for multi-drive defrags, but it would make me feel safer using it...

Thanks, guys!


Same goes for installed CD/DVD media.

Are you sure about that, my CD and DVD burner do not show up in Defraggler list of drives.

As for SSD and Flash drives I think Defraggler should still access them, however it should display a warning box before starting i.e. "WARNING FLASH/SSD DETECTED, DEFRAGGING WILL INCREASE HARDWARE FAILURE [Cancel] [Ok]".

Richard S.

Are you sure about that, my CD and DVD burner do not show up in Defraggler list of drives.

Richard S.

Under Windows 7 (Defraggler 2.05), Floppy disk A: shows up as Removable Disk (A:)

I did not see my DVD burner, so you are correct on that I suppose. Using windows Device Manager to re-disable it for now. Still needs to:

- Not show floppies

- Warn users of SSD defrags

- Warn users of Flash Disk defrags (it does show my flash drive when plugged in)