Auto-resize to fit

One of the things I hate about Defraggler, is every time I add new drives, they get swallowed up by the setting I have on Defraggler.

If I have it set to perfectly fit 3 drives, say C:, D:, E:, then if I add a new flash drive, external drive, etc, it gets swallowed up by the drive list window!

Then, I have to manually resize it to fit the extra drive(s).

I would love an option to autofit the window to any drives added or removed, as well as maintaining the minimum window size that the user can select.


Also, would be great to be able to have Defraggler option to only show drives with data, so that drives like floppy disk can be hidden, as well as Compact Flash drive blocks.

Who really wants to try to defrag a floppy or flash media with the dangers of wearing out the write cycles?

Some computers add 3 or 4 Compact Flash reader blocks, so this would greatly simplify the Defraggler Drive list window!