I install programs and of course some installers don't give you an option to organize your start menu so you have to do it post install.
Thus I move the programs to subfolders like "utilities" or "security" or "internet" etc. Now the installer's entries in the registry are wrong and I get errors on the CC report. It would be kind of a cool addition if the program could see that "crap cleaner" was installed in start menu\programs\utilites\crap cleaner and possibly just offer me a choice to fix the registry entry. I am currently editing all the entries myself now and its a REAL bummer on a fresh install.
If nothing else, add a key to CCleaner registry cleaner to check the registry for altered start menu items & offer to reset them to default...
To reproduce this error, try this:
> Windows XP -> Move start menu folders into a folder on the desktop (customize the menu)
Nothing happens... You can always add it back with no problems.
Windows Vista & 7 will cause severe problems when you do this.
Example: -> Move several items from the start menu to another folder somewhere, say, on the desktop! Now, add it back. Even though you added it back, the start menu will forever try to reference the place you moved it to the first time!
From then on, any time you use the program that re-installs the folder you moved off the start menu, it will always try to "re-install" back to the desktop folder you 1st moved it to.