Auto cleaning


There is an option in CCleaner to clean my computer every time it start.

Is there any way to do it not every time, but once a week, or month, or every 3 day automaticly, etc. ?

It would be nice to see this option in next versions of CCleaner.

bw, is it cleaning registry and files, or only files ???

think, it will be better to choose, what I want to clean automaticly: reg\files\both of them

P.S. Thnx guys for this great program

You can use microsofts in built scheduler to run ccleaner at the times/days you choose. (xp)

Registry and junk are kept on different lines, and rightly so.

CCleaners auto function only runs cleaner side of junk etc

ok, but is it difficult to add to the program such options???

start :

- once a week,

- every time,

- every X-day....

its easier to select in the program, than use microsofts in built scheduler, or something else, for example: I have never used it..

and is it difficult to add:

Auto cleaning:

1. junk files

2. registry

3. junk files & registry (beckups of registry saved in ... (place))

for people, who want to keep there computers clean, & don't want to waste time for every cleaning it will be perfect

for example Ace Utilities has such function, so its possible to do the same here, why not ?????????

The Windows task scheduler can be accessed from Control Panel in "Classic View" mode just double click on "Scheduled Tasks" and follow the help wizard.

Personally I don't see the need to run CCleaner as a scheduled task since you still need to click here and there, you might as well launch it from the desktop icon instead.

Richard S.

ok, but is it difficult to add to the program such options???

start :

- once a week,

- every time,

- every X-day....

its easier to select in the program, than use microsofts in built scheduler, or something else, for example: I have never used it..

and is it difficult to add:

Auto cleaning:

1. junk files

2. registry

3. junk files & registry (beckups of registry saved in ... (place))

for people, who want to keep there computers clean, & don't want to waste time for every cleaning it will be perfect

for example Ace Utilities has such function, so its possible to do the same here, why not ?????????

A cleaner with an automated Registry clean is a bad cleaner. Period.