auto clean up on shutdown


I think it would be nice to make ccleaner do auto clean up on pc shutdown.

currently it can clean at start, which adds extra delay for pc usage.

why it would be nice?

currently: i boot up pc, ccleaner cleans so i'm waiting when its job is done. :(

i suggest: i shut down pc, go to kitchen and make a cup of tea, ccleaner cleans up my pc then pc is switched off and happy user goes to bed. :)

what do you think?

ps if coders say it's hard to do this because of windows UAC (user account control), i can say this piece of crap can be turned off because i, personally, couldn't find any use of it.. :unsure: (in other words windows uac will ask to allow ccleaner to shut pc down)

Welcome to the forums! :)

Aside for UAC controls it is essential for keeping malware, etc., from taking over your PC. There's some Vista and 7 users of this forum that I think would tell you it's unwise to disable it.

As for having CCleaner automatically clean an shutdown your PC this has existed for some time, I don't know how it gets along with UAC however:


And also here if you need help setting up the shortcut:
