August already.
Where's the year gone?
Usual rules chaps. Small thumbnails and no Imageshack.
Winapp2 the scene in DennisD's screenshot is what will happen if you try to argue timezones.
(Guess you don't know about Piriform rule 4297368 did you? He who posts in the thread first owns the zone )
That futuristic scene in post #1 looks like a planet being Terra-formed, but it's actually been Piriformed.
An easy on the eye restful one for a change ...
So this is a bit different from what I usually upload, but i think it's appropriate for this site . .
LOL @ Havoc's wallpaper. I love it.
LOL @ Havoc's wallpaper. I love it.
Thanks LuLu.
LOL @ Havoc's wallpaper. I love it.
Of course you do, but where did he get your photograph?
Of course you do, but where did he get your photograph?
You know DennisD, I just googled......
A Cobber of mine set up an old Deer kill to attract some of our Grampians Wedge Tail's for photo's in his wildlife collection and he managed to "snap" this not often seen White Wedge Tail.
To which I said "please please can I have a copy"
Over the next few months I shall use more of his photographs..............hope some of you enjoy
OPPS my Mate that took the photo plus others said that this "white wedge tail" is actually one of a pair of "Sea Eagles" that have been seen living and cruising around 3 lakes in my area for a couple of years. The rest of the photo's he gave me are Wedge Tail's ...........I'll use them as desktop's in the coming months.
You know DennisD, I just googled......
And all this time I thought it was a health check in the bathroom mirror
Of course you do, but where did he get your photograph?
You know DennisD, I just googled......
Oh you two are a riot.
Oh you two are a riot.
Aww shucks LuLu
This one is just for you seeing you're going back to school.
Mine grinds to a halt at the thought of class
Mine grinds to a halt at the thought of class
I do not miss those days, that's for sure lol
I've got it right this time...................these magnificent birds are Wedge Tail Eagles
impressive little buggers aren't they?