hello all i used to have a galaxy 250 graphic card and used to show me the temps but now ever since i have upgraded to the 6950 does not show me what my graphic temp is. also does not support the 6970 and the 6990. i always have the latest drivers and i am guessing this is why speccy has not supported the 6950 and up series is because of the constant driver update but if i am wrong when will these cards will be supported?
Please don't double post, I've removed your second post.
I'm not sure why this is occuring (why it doesn't see the card), the developers read every thread so they may ask you to provide more information (such as attaching a speccy report or sending them your Speccy log via Private message.
the developers read every thread so they may ask you to provide more information (such as attaching a speccy report or sending them your Speccy log via Private message.
I also have a ATI Graphics Card 5570 Radeon HD 5570 that doesn't offer the temp on the Speccy program. See atch.
I'm sure Speccy will eventually support your graphics card it just a question of time.
As for "the developers read every thread" I don't believe it, I rarely see them post or engage in discussion.
I have a small problem with Speccy too, but somehow I doubt it will be fixed in the next version.
Richard S.
I'm sure Speccy will eventually support your graphics card it just a question of time.
As for "the developers read every thread" I don't believe it, I rarely see them post or engage in discussion.
I have a small problem with Speccy too, but somehow I doubt it will be fixed in the next version.
Richard S.
Thanks Richard. I have found a way to see the temp by going into the guts of the Video Card. Running about 47C which is O.K. as far as I know. Just thought I would post that Speccy was missing it.
Please PM me your .speccy and we will have a look at this
Please PM me your specsy and we will have a look at this
Sir: Please excuse my ignorance but I don't know how to PM a person. Your post "Please PM me your .speecy" throws me. An earlier post show the readings I have.
Again please realize I'm just an amatuer. I'll be glad to do what needs to be if I can get a little more instructions as to what to do.
Hi mudd Press the Envelope under MrRon's name to send a P(rivate)M(essage)
I believe he would like you to post the outputted Speccy report from the file menu to the PM (many people would rather it be sent via PM as it contains possibly private information)
Redhawk, I hope the fact that MrRon commented shows you that they do read it all; though, yes, they rarely comment more than "we'll look into it" or "please send me your logs" if at all, that's what use members and moderators are for . . . mostly.
With your and other's help I figured out the PM thing. First sent the report that was a "mile or more" long. He wrote again as you can see from the post and asked for a Zipped File. Figured that one out a little faster! It has been sent.
Thank to you and the other about for help Just what old F**ts need, help.......
We're all old in this boat
Were are old in this boat
Some of us are older than others
Please PM me your .speccy and we will have a look at this
any news to wither the 6950 and up will be supported? because the new one was release but still no support.
any news to wither the 6950 and up will be supported? because the new one was release but still no support.
The more .speccy reports that the developers get (see your quoted message) the faster this can be looked into.
Hi fpresiado, we have recently released Speccy v1.12.
Can you tell me whether the problem is still present?