At last a Gmail delete button

Googe have finally give users us a official delete button, well sort of its not on my account yet ;) .

The below full story is here and is taken from BetaNews

"When it first launched in 2004, Google's Gmail was missing a key feature available in competing e-mail services and clients: a prominent delete button. Although Gmail offered deleting through a dropdown, Google felt users should never have to delete messages thanks to expanded storage. But the company has finally given in."

Took them long enough! And as far as not having to delete anything, that is the farthest thing from the truth. I am already using 21% (551 MB) of my mailbox, and I've only had it for about 4 months.

OMG! 21 %, lol j/k but when I read that then looked over to your avatar it totally made sense.

Yeah, my friends send me a lot of music and videos, so it adds up. Plus, whenever you send an attachment, it stays in your sent mail, and if you send the same attachment to someone else later on, Gmail copies it. So if I send an 8 MB video to three different people at three different times, there goes 24 MB!

I'm using 13 MB (1%) of my 2686 MB, all of which are emails.

By the way lokoike i hope the music your friends are sending you are not copyrighted because that would be illegal.

By the way lokoike i hope the music your friends are sending you are not copyrighted because that would be illegal.

Well actually, the music is from my girlfriend and it is all CDs that she owns and ripped herself, so that isn't illegal, is it? She hasn't illegally downloaded any of it, so it is all paid for. I just assumed that was fine, since we aren't selling it or mass-distributing it.

Well actually, the music is from my girlfriend and it is all CDs that she owns and ripped herself, so that isn't illegal, is it? She hasn't illegally downloaded any of it, so it is all paid for. I just assumed that was fine, since we aren't selling it or mass-distributing it.

Yes that is illegal, while she maybe only sharing them with you, you did not pay for them so it is illegal. I mean all illegal torrent users are doing is sharing the music and movies with single users the problem music and moves company's have is that there are millions of individuals doing it.

Yes that is illegal, while she maybe only sharing them with you, you did not pay for them so it is illegal. I mean all illegal torrent users are doing is sharing the music and movies with single users the problem music and moves company's have is that there are millions of individuals doing it.

O well, the audio is nothing I can't live without. So then, video; what I've got is legal, right? Most of it was sent to me as attachments, but I know they got a lot of it from, and some other sites like that. They look to me like mostly home-type videos and such. I'm assuming those are okay?

I assume so if it is a site where users share there videos then yes its ok, if they are full length feature films they they are illegal.

I assume so if it is a site where users share there videos then yes its ok, if they are full length feature films they they are illegal.

Definitely not full feature films! Gmail has 10 MB attachment cap, so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to. Although a friend did send me a clip from an episode of South Park; since that is a TV show, what is the legality of that? And what about taping television, for that matter? If you can DVR it, can you also legally make tapes of it, or DVDs of it, too?

Sorry I know these are way off topic, but I'm curious.

I think recording something for personal use so you can view it at a latter time is legal. Giving that same video or disc to someone else tho is illegal.

Ok, one more question, then I promise I'll stop. It is illegal in the USA to use DVD decrypting software (at least I believe it is); so, if I rented a movie, decrypted it, and burned it, that would be an illegal copy, correct? But then, if I see a program on TV, and record it to a DVD, that is fine.

Either way, I'm paying; if I rent it and burn it, I pay for the rented copy, and I pay for the disc I burn it to. If I record it off of cable, I pay for the cable, and for the disc I burn it to as well. One is illegal, the other is not. How does this all work out?

so, if I rented a movie, decrypted it, and burned it, that would be an illegal copy, correct?


But then, if I see a program on TV, and record it to a DVD, that is fine.

Yes but that is a different so you cant really compare, the tv program is being sent to your home via satellite or cable so you have already paid for it. It does not mean you can distribute it but you can save it to view at a later date.

I mean i have a hard rive disc recorder which can record up to 80 hours of stuff, and if im not on my pc then im out so i record tons of stuff so i can catch up with it at a later date.

Yes but that is a different so you cant really compare, the tv program is being sent to your home via satellite or cable so you have already paid for it. It does not mean you can distribute it but you can save it to view at a later date.

I guess this is one of those things I have a difficult time understanding. I could use tapes for example, since they can be easily configured to record dynamicly:

If I watch The Matrix on cable that I paid for, and I record it to a tape, that is my copy to keep. If I wanted to, I could make dozens of copies and distribute them, which would be illegal, but if I only make the one copy for myself, that is fine.

But yet, at the same time, if I rent a movie (and pay for it in the process), I can record that onto a tape in the same manner, and keep that tape for myself. However, that is illegal.

I realize we are talking about two different sources here, but yet the action taken is identical, and the members involved in making the video still receive payment. The creators of The Matrix receive money from the cable companies that air it, so when I pay for cable, The Matrix is getting money for it. Therefore it is okay if I make a copy of it.

But when I rent it, Blockbuster (or whoever I rent it from) has to pay for the movie, so part of the money I give to them goes to The Matrix as well. So either way, The Matrix is receiving money from me, and either way, I get a copy of the video for myself. Yet one method is considered illegal, while the other is not.

You mentioned that DVR lets you watch a show if you aren't there to see it when it airs. Well, what if I rent a movie, but in the 3 days I rented it for, I don't have any time available to view it, so I set up my tape recorder to record it, and the next week, after I have taken the movie back already, I finally get a chance to sit down and view it off of my tape. Why is this is illegal? If I was to record it onto my DVR, I would still have a copy of the same product, and I would still be making that copy for the same purpose.

I realize that lines have to be drawn somewhere to prevent chaos, but to me, some of this is pretty confusing!

To make it as simple as possible, anything you buy you can not reproduce or distribute. You can however sell the original copy say on ebay etc.

A vhs, Hard Disc, and or a dvd recorder is designed to record stuff that you missed, so you can view at a later date.

It is also illegal to make copy's of music and dvd's for any reason i.e. as a backup for the original media.

So now making copy's of any copyrighted cd or dvd, with no intentions of solicitation or profit is illegal? And blatently just reproducing it is ILLEGAL?

The question is;

* Do they want to offer you a service where you dont have to delete your mails.

* Or do they want to offer you a service where they dont want you to delete your mails.

Dun dun dun...

The question is;

* Do they want to offer you a service where you dont have to delete your mails.

* Or do they want to offer you a service where they dont want you to delete your mails.

Dun dun dun...

That's an interesting thought. I've been told that even if you trash your emails in Gmail, they still remain...

So, what do you use for email? I'm not too worried about the contents of my letters, so I have no compelling reason to switch over to something else, but do you know of a more secure email system?

I used to use Yahoo! Mail, but everything they offer in Yahoo! Mail Plus, Gmail already offers for free, or improves upon.

That's an interesting thought. I've been told that even if you trash your emails in Gmail, they still remain...

So, what do you use for email? I'm not too worried about the contents of my letters, so I have no compelling reason to switch over to something else, but do you know of a more secure email system?

I used to use Yahoo! Mail, but everything they offer in Yahoo! Mail Plus, Gmail already offers for free, or improves upon.

You should be worried as you use you Gmail account to transfer copyrighted music B)

You should be worried as you use you Gmail account to transfer copyrighted music B)

For your information, I removed all of my copywrited audio as soon as you informed me of its lack of legality. Did you think I was lying when I said that it is nothing I can't live without?

Next time I want to hear those songs, I'll just have her come over to my place with her MP3 player, and we can listen to it that way. As far as I know, they haven't made that illegal yet. Although I'm sure it's only a matter of time...