After running CCleaner, are the original file names intact and find-able?
1. Are they still intact for the files that were "CCleaned" while in the recycle bin?
2. Are they still intact for files that were previously deleted from the recycle bin, say a month ago?
3. Are they still intact in the MFT?
4. Are they still intact but "invisible" on the cleaned drive?
These are the settiings I have checked:
CCleaner > options > settings > secure file deletion (1 pass) > Wipe MFT Free Space
Thanks in advance.
I have been to the documentation but might have missed something. I should already know the answer but don't. If someone already knows it would save me the time required to do all that scanning.
Started here:
sends me to here (Recuva docs):
sends me to here, (back to CCleaner docs) (where it doesn't actually give the answer):
also tried here: