April Desktops

Here we go again, and with Spring in the air here's my last one with snow:


Usual rules: Thumbnails only and no ImageShack.


Heh, funny pic Dennis. :lol:

Great Piriform Pear desktop again Dennis.

Can't wait to see what you do for May. By December it'll be time for the Piriform calendar 2011 to be released to the general public!!!!

Waiting for the New Windows Phone 7 Series.


Wow, that is one cool desktop you have there Ishan. ;)

My new desk:)

foobar2000 skin here.


@ishan_rulz, love that rainmeter config, I also use it on and off:)

The cat is so cute there, Dennis.



Unless Mr Pear manages to avoid the clutches of that cute cat, he may not be around in May.

And I sound like I might actually believe that!

Have to get out more. :(

Mr. Brownstone, I see Greg House in there, peering at me with those insane beady eyeballs. And is that Foobar you have as a media player? I never tried it. I was too old when it came out to be curious/energetic enough to try it. I just might, though.


Gee, what prompted this idea? :D

Mr. Brownstone, I see Greg House in there, peering at me with those insane beady eyeballs. And is that Foobar you have as a media player? I never tried it. I was too old when it came out to be curious/energetic enough to try it. I just might, though.

Yeah it is foobar..and I am old too, but it is real simple to configure:)

New desk using the Omnimo Rainmeter config.


Bringing a slightly moodier desktop to the mix:


Still plain...


Ah, Apophysis. :)

No folks this is NOT the centre of Australia or the centre of my Tasmania, but it reminds me of areas of Aus. when I was much younger wandering around the middle of "no where"

Waiting for the New Windows Phone 7 Series.


It looks like you haven't edited skin panel. Letters appear truncated. ;) Thats Unfinished Skin



It looks like you haven't edited skin panel. Letters appear truncated. ;) Thats Unfinished Skin



No not really, that is the way its supposed to be. :)

Still plain. I don't have those cool themes and gadgets though but here is what I made for pear lovers.