Applications software updates

What is it actually supposed to update? How can I tell what version the applications are so they have not been neglected?

You can view the details of what updatable software is currently on your computer under Tools > Software Updater. There are two tabs there that will show what is up-to-date and, for those needing update their current version and the latest available version.

I do see nothing on my system that need updating "Latest and Greatest" , but avg tuneup trial said just about all m software needs an update (LOL), windows should have been given that duty. Thanks Admin.

I do not know if this is the same problem, but I only have two programs in "Updated" (VLC and Adobe Digital Editions) and none that need updating.

Should not almost, or all program show in one of the lists?

I use Pro edition, and have restarted PC and also reinstalled CCleaner, but only those two program show up.

Several Topaz, several Adobe and several browsers, are not they included in the database?

updater only informs of apps in the filehippo database, I believe unless that has recently changed.

6 hours ago, Nergal said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		updater only informs of apps in the filehippo database, I believe unless that has recently changed.

I don't believe that they are using filehippo anymore, not sure what they are using instead.

But yes, any software updater works to a database so an app has to be on that database for it to be checked for an update.

Thanks for your quick answers!

What can I do to make this useful?

I find it very odd if Chrome, Firefox, Photoshop, MS Office, Skype, Spotify and so on, not are checked for update.

In my PC they are not. Only two programs ...

You have to remember that the software updater is/was an add-on tool to CCleaners main purpose of cleaning junk, so it's not going to be as comprehensive as a dedicated software updater.

That said, now that it has been made an integral part of Health Check ('Security' in the Pro version) it should be made more comprehensive over time.

Interestingly last week Health Check updated one app, (or at least tried to), on my machine that isn't even listed in the Software Updater tool.

Which suggests there is already a difference between the databases being used by Health Check and Software Updater.

(You have to be careful if using it in Health Check, the main screen only tells you how many it has found to update not what they are. You should click on 'Security' to look at whatever it has found to update before letting it update them).

The number of apps that can be recognised and updated by different dedicated updaters, and which apps they can update, varies widely.

Thanks for the warning about updating via Health Check!

In the description about the new Software Updater this can be read:


Outdated software is a security risk

Vulnerabilities in old software make your computer more open to attackers.

CCleaner can automatically update all your apps, closing the holes in your PC’s defenses.


Two out of 30-40 is not close. ?

What are the "normal" number of apps in Updater? (I know there is no "normal" PC installation, but I think you understand what I mean.)

Need update + Updated = ?

In my case it is 2.

A quick look the popular updater apps shows they have anywhere between 50 and 1,500 programmes in their databases.

Not all of them give a list though.

That's a bit misleading though because some list both 32bit and 64bit seperately where others list them as one.

There can also be a lot of obscure software listed, or even expired software that will never get another update.

I don't know how many are in the database(s) that CCleaner uses now, I've never seen it published anywhere.

TBH I just have my apps set to notify me of updates, if they have that setting, then when I come to use one if it gives me a notification I'll usually do what I wanted and then update it once I've finished working.

I don't see the point of updating something multiple times if I'm not actually using it that often.

To me a software updater is only of use for apps that don't do their own checks.

Normally I do as you and update the apps myself, but a remainder can be great to have, and CCleaner should be just that.

The big question for me is, Is there something wrong with my installation as it only show two apps (updated or not)?


1 hour ago, Vejbymats said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		The big question for me is, Is there something wrong with my installation as it only show two apps (updated or not)?

I don't think so, it will only show the apps you have installed that it can update; mine only shows three:


As I said Health Check did try to do another one (CutePDF, but that is a bit tricky to update sometimes requiring an update of a scripting engine as well, which Health Check couldn't seem to handle).

Earlier today I tried a couple of the most popular free software updaters, just as an experiment.

I won't give names but the most commonly recommended one found nothing to update.

A lesser known but still recommeded one found 2 visual C++ redistributables, (who cares?), plus another app that I don't use that often and wouldn't expect many people to have anyway. I might update it next time I use it.

(DWG TrueView, an AutoCAD drawing viewer used by draughtsmen/designers, mainly when they are out of the office and don't have/need access to full AutoCAD).

So it is not my installation, it is a mega crappy add-on to CCleaner that might be useful in the future... ?

Thanks for your time and great answers! Appreciated!


I wouldn't say it's a crappy add-on, the best recommended free one didn't find anything different on my machine.

It's hard to tell/compare without knowing just what is in those databases.

There again as I hinted before, in my opinion any software updater is unnecessary bloat.

If you think about it it's the kind of thing that has led to WiFi connected fridges that tell you that need to 'update' your supply of eggs.

Do you realy need that?

Yes, but this is not free.

That a payed app finds zero when a free app finds zero is not a sign that the payed app does a great job.

You don't have to pay anything, CCleaner free will tell you what needs an update, and then you an update it manually.

You can't compare a paid for junk cleaner with a paid for software updater.

You pay for the junk cleaner features and support, the software updater is a free extra.

Not being awkward here, (well maybe I am), but if you want a professional software updater then buy a professional software updater not a junk cleaner.

EDIT- That webpage that you linked to seems to be an old advertising page from a couple of years ago, not sure but we have asked about it.

I have no idea if the page is old, but it is on CCleaners web and clicking on the link for info about Software Updater in the first web page gets me there.

Of course a specialized app for updating should do a better job, but this is not ok.

Awkward or not :-), but not including at least the common browsers can not be ok if it is claimed to "<span style="background-color:#0e6fbe;color:#ffffff;font-size:13px;text-align:center;">automatically update all your apps".</span>

I have used CCleaner for a long time, and now I was trying to get this module to work.

Hi there, we originally began by supporting the browsers but the frequency that they update and their different types of updates makes them challenging to stay in line with. We found we were telling users that there were updates when there weren't (because the browsers already updated themselves) and so on. We avoid antivirus software for a similar reason.

We'll do some investigation into how to improve Software Updater to include more applications. For example, it may be reassuring to show which apps are up to date, even if CCleaner won't try to interfere with that app's updating process. We can also add a suggestion button to that screen.

1 hour ago, Stephen CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi there, we originally began by supporting the browsers but the frequency that they update and their different types of updates makes them challenging to stay in line with. We found we were telling users that there were updates when there weren't (because the browsers already updated themselves) and so on. We avoid antivirus software for a similar reason.

		We'll do some investigation into how to improve Software Updater to include more applications. For example, it may be reassuring to show which apps are up to date, even if CCleaner won't try to interfere with that app's updating process. We can also add a suggestion button to that screen.

Thanks for the info Stephen!

Oh and we will correct the phrase "updates all your apps". It was not the intention to mislead.