I just ran CCleaner for the fist time. Upon inspection of the programs under "cleaner settings, Application" serval program do not appear
ex: under Utilities are missing AVAST, Adware
Cheers Rad
I just ran CCleaner for the fist time. Upon inspection of the programs under "cleaner settings, Application" serval program do not appear
ex: under Utilities are missing AVAST, Adware
Cheers Rad
Take a look at the applications included in Winapp2.ini (not supported by Piriform).
Forgot to mention you should read the CCleaner Beginner's Guide.
I have basically the same question. I, too, am a fairly new user and noticed that in the "Cleaner" secion of CCleaner under the "Application" tab there is another section titled "Applications." Only two apps show up here -- Adobe Reader and Nero Burning. Should there be more???
I have basically the same question. I, too, am a fairly new user and noticed that in the "Cleaner" secion of CCleaner under the "Application" tab there is another section titled "Applications." Only two apps show up here -- Adobe Reader and Nero Burning. Should there be more???
No, not really.
Open the CCleaner program folder and look in the .ini files such as winapp.ini and so forth. In them will be applications listed that CCleaner can detect, so in other words if you don't have the applications installed that CCleaner detects they won't be listed in CCleaner at all.
Now lets say you uninstall Adobe Reader, it would then disappear from the Applications list since it wouldn't be installed anymore.
No, not really.
Open the CCleaner program folder and look in the .ini files such as winapp.ini and so forth. In them will be applications listed that CCleaner can detect, so in other words if you don't have the applications installed that CCleaner detects they won't be listed in CCleaner at all.
Now lets say you uninstall Adobe Reader, it would then disappear from the Applications list since it wouldn't be installed anymore.
So, is it reasonably safe to install the supplemental winapp2.ini downloads -- or is this rather risky?
So, is it reasonably safe to install the supplemental winapp2.ini downloads -- or is this rather risky?
Just installing winapp2.ini is absolutely safe, since the only effect will be the detection
of the applications listed in it. The "risk" (if i may call it in this way ) starts when you click
"Run Cleaner" having each box near the applications names checked (Be careful, since they
are all checked by default). Leaving all checkboxes unchecked winapp2.ini (and winapp.ini too)
doesn't have any effect.
So, if you like, you can install winapp2.ini
just for see which ones of your installed applications it can detect.
Then you can click "Analyze" (this also is absolutely safe) and see which files
CCleaner can delete, when (and if) you will decide to click "Run Cleaner"
However, winapp2.ini will can be simply deleted from CCleaner folder,
it doesn't need any real "install/uninstall".
Just installing winapp2.ini is absolutely safe, since the only effect will be the detectionof the applications listed in it. The "risk" (if i may call it in this way
) starts when you click
"Run Cleaner" having each box near the applications names checked (Be careful, since they
are all checked by default). Leaving all checkboxes unchecked winapp2.ini (and winapp.ini too)
doesn't have any effect.
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].
Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
Sounds like a great Idea should be implemented into the winapp2.ini download!
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
Ditto on Good Idea! Thank you.
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
That's actually a good idea in my opinion!
It lets cleaning routines that aren't included by default in CC stand out.
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
This is truly a great idea. However, as mentioned earlier, I am a newbie and as yet have not downloaded or installed winapp2.ini -- nor am I totally sure just how winapp2 works.
So, here are a couple of questions . . . when you first download the winapp2 file, how do you differentiate which apps are in the original CCleaner winapp.ini file and which are in the winapp2 file? Do they get merged together -- or do they remain in two different files? Also, when you insert the asterisk, do you asterisk all of the apps in the winapp2 file -- or just the ones that relate to the apps you have/use?
What I do to make the winapp2 entries easier to spot in CCleaner (and make it easier to select/unselect them) is to add an asterisk to the start of the programs name in winapp2, eg [Audacity] - [*Audacity].Then not only is it easier to tell which programs listed in CCleaner are winapp2 entries but they also show up first in each section:
That's a good idea
Why not a number 2 instead of the asterisk? eg [Audacity] - [2-Audacity].
So will be more clear what is related to winapp2.ini
Test (1=winapp.ini 2=winapp2.ini)
All credits to JDPower
This is truly a great idea. However, as mentioned earlier, I am a newbie and as yet have not downloaded or installed winapp2.ini -- nor am I totally sure just how winapp2 works.
So, here are a couple of questions . . . when you first download the winapp2 file, how do you differentiate which apps are in the original CCleaner winapp.ini file and which are in the winapp2 file? Do they get merged together -- or do they remain in two different files? Also, when you insert the asterisk, do you asterisk all of the apps in the winapp2 file -- or just the ones that relate to the apps you have/use?
The apps not installed doesn't appears at all in CCleaner,
since it detects only the installed ones.
Glad everyone likes my method. Never thought to add it as a suggestion as it was just one of those things I did and forgot about, never thought anyone else would have any use for it
Why not a number 2 instead of the asterisk? eg [Audacity] - [2-Audacity].So will be more clear what is related to winapp2.ini
Not keen on that. Plus it doesn't push the winapp2 entries to the top of each section which is a large part of why I do it.
This is truly a great idea. However, as mentioned earlier, I am a newbie and as yet have not downloaded or installed winapp2.ini -- nor am I totally sure just how winapp2 works.
So, here are a couple of questions . . . when you first download the winapp2 file, how do you differentiate which apps are in the original CCleaner winapp.ini file and which are in the winapp2 file? Do they get merged together -- or do they remain in two different files? Also, when you insert the asterisk, do you asterisk all of the apps in the winapp2 file -- or just the ones that relate to the apps you have/use?
The winapp2.ini file is a text file (opens with notepad), one you download it put it in your CCleaner directory (it won't overwrite anything, its a new file).
To add an asterix to the becining of each new CCleaner entry:
Open winapp2.ini (notepad), Click find, Click replace:
In the "find what" box put [
In the "replace with" box put [*
click Replace all, when its done (may act like it froze for a short time during replacing) click close, click File, click Save, now you done close winapp2.ini (notepad)
Thanks so much for all the help.
I just installed winapp2. My app section now displays a couple of apps I didn't even know I had -- maybe they're just the "remnants" of some old stuff. If I don't want these to show up, do I just edit/delete them from the winapp2.ini file -- or is there some other way to do this?
Also, what happens when new apps are added to the winapp2 file and made available? Do you just download the updated file and start the process all over again -- or do you somehow just merge the newly added apps -- or . . . ????
I just installed winapp2. My app section now displays a couple of apps I didn't even know I had -- maybe they're just the "remnants" of some old stuff. If I don't want these to show up, do I just edit/delete them from the winapp2.ini file -- or is there some other way to do this?
Sure you can do it, but this is not the best solution.
If CCleaner detects applications that are not installed, this mean that those applications
left something unuseful in Windows Registry, and/or in Program Files folder. Check it out.
Also, what happens when new apps are added to the winapp2 file and made available? Do you just download the updated file and start the process all over again -- or do you somehow just merge the newly added apps -- or . . . ????
IMO the easiest way is simply replace (overwrite) the old winapp2.ini file with the updated version.
I now use a JDPOWER modified entry for applications, *ini2-. Kind of long but works for me.