Application veritable question

Hi guys.

Ok, I make my own winapp2.ini files and has around a bit over a 100 of so app so far. But What I need to know (and don't see it in the docs for cc). Is it possible to add a verifiable for apps that make a custom folder using your windows name and or the name of your login.

Like For Skype:

[*Skype 4.x]
Warning=This process needs to be customize for full support. Change the "xxxxxxxx" line to your skype name!

Anyway, to make that "xxxxxx" line a variable so ppl do not need to edit the ini?


Anyway, to make that "xxxxxx" line a variable so ppl do not need to edit the ini?

It would probably have to be coded into CCleaner itself so it would know where to look, for example how it knows to clean different Firefox profiles.

Anyway, to make that "xxxxxx" line a variable so ppl do not need to edit the ini?

I think you could change "xxxxxxxxx" to "%LangSecRef_3022%"

and then launch CC via a batch script that first defines that variable, e.g.


That gives a very short script to define/edit for all the LangSecRef_???? you need to handle


As Alan said, you can do that (but LangSecRef is not a good name for that since it's not a language issue ;-) ), or declare an environment variable beforehand - no need fot a batch script then.

As Alan said, you can do that (but LangSecRef is not a good name for that since it's not a language issue ;-) ), or declare an environment variable beforehand - no need fot a batch script then.

I fully agree and those were my first thoughts, but :-

the quoted example commences with the presumably unique LangSecRef_3022,

There is the implication that this could be only one of 100 identities in the 10,000 range LangSecRef_0000 to LangSecRef_9999

I chose to set a variable with the same name to concisely indicate what it related to.

The requirement was to avoid editing the *.ini, which can be quite long and tedious to edit.

I chose a batch script and the code snippet as a simple two line explanation,

instead of providing complex navigation instructions upon how and where to set a USER or SYSTEM environmental variable.

The code example given by OP includes the line

"Warning=This process needs to be customize for full support. Change the "xxxxxxxx" line to your skype name!"

This implies that although the OP may know how to set a USER variable, he may be supplying this for other people who do not know, and perhaps have no authority, to set variables.

NB The batch script does not need to be edited;

it could simply prompt for the skype name and set the variable to the user input.

I far prefer %APPDATA% to %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming

%APPDATA% is valid for XP as well as Vista and W7

I find this very useful :-

Finally, is the specific "skype name" required ?

My experience is that CMD.EXE will happily execute the command

CD %APPDATA%\Skype\*\Chatsync

This is useful where Firefox seems to have an irresistible urge to invent random character strings for user profiles.

If there is more that one match for the wild card \*\ the CD command will take its pick,

which could be a problem if one user has more than one skype name

With a bit of luck CCleaner.ini would have the same capability of using a path with a \*\ wild card

How about using




I tried that using winapp2.ini, Alan, however %ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\*\New Folder\|*.txt returned no results so I didn't bother mentioning it.

I tried that using winapp2.ini, Alan, however %ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\*\New Folder\|*.txt returned no results so I didn't bother mentioning it.

I know that many CMD.EXE commands object to a \*\ in the path,

just as they also object to %userprofile% unless there are surrounding "quotes" to cater for spaces.

Since FileKey4 is like CD in that it uses %userprofile% without "quotes",

I thought it "worth a shot" that \*\ wild cards would be acceptable

Thanks for feedback.

Knowledge is always good to have.



Thanks for all the information. I will look into this more and see if I can get it working.

It may be worth noting that %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\*.profile\ will lead to a custom profile through use of winapp2.ini perhaps the same is true for skype

So it is suggested to try

