Apple attempts to trademark the word 'startup'

These trademark wars are getting silly now.

(loved the comments at the end of the article)

LOL. They are crazy.

They filed for it more than two years ago and now their temporary period is expiring. They'll have to provide a legitimate reason to trademark it (does apple even use the word startup? At least Microsoft does in msconfig..) because oppositions have been filed against their claim.

If they get it there goes the startup sequence, it will have to be changed to powerup if a gaming company doesn't already own that. :lol: They could of course just put an i on the front of it all pun intended: iStartup®. :P

Imho apple fritters away a lot of money on these iSuits. :D

Imho apple fritters away a lot of money on these iSuits. :D

iKnow what you mean. ;)

Trust login123 to get to the core of the matter

Oh, that pun was just rotten...
