After I run the cleaner then pull AOL up, it always has to search on connection options, like it forgets or does the cleaner erase how we connect to AOL???
Does the cleaner erase it or could it be something else???
After I run the cleaner then pull AOL up, it always has to search on connection options, like it forgets or does the cleaner erase how we connect to AOL???
Does the cleaner erase it or could it be something else???
People are still using AOL
I thought that went the way of the Dinosaurs and PRODIGY
After I run the cleaner then pull AOL up, it always has to search on connection options, like it forgets or does the cleaner erase how we connect to AOL???
Does the cleaner erase it or could it be something else???
Hello ILG49,
Welcome to the forums !!!
I have no experience with using AOL.
If you are referring to the fact the browser has to search for AOL, then this is explained by the fact that CCleaner default options are set up basically for most user that have not done any cleaning or rarely do it.
Some files can get relatively large and benefit from cleaning.
You can turn the option off to clean Index.dat files and History files. Many users only need to clean these every now and then. However, privacy paranoid users want these areas cleaned all the time. To each his own.
CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites
New members Advice for CCleaner
Start here with this link and follow its advice.
Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.
Best wishes, davey
After I run the cleaner then pull AOL up, it always has to search on connection options, like it forgets or does the cleaner erase how we connect to AOL???
Does the cleaner erase it or could it be something else???
Hi ILG49-
Need more Info.
AOL Dial-up? AOL Broadband? AOL Version? If Dial-up, are you using the "Best-Connect" feature?
I have AOL Dial-up on my HP Desktop, but do NOT use the "Best-Connect" feature. I also have AOLDU as a backup connection on my laptop (normally use wireless).
Ccv2.13.720 did bang up the HP's AOL this past Tues, but it was the user order, and fixed by visiting the AOL Account screen name page to reset the user list. First time this has ever happened.
AOL is also upgrading (again), judging by the number of connection drop-offs lately, that may have contributed to the problem. AOL is really pushing their web-based stuff and dial-up will soon be gone!
Does your computer also have wireless capability? Sometimes if that's left on, when you try to dial-up it'll confuse AOL and sent it into connection set-up mode.
What do you do (other cleaning, defrag, etc.) prior to running Cc?