AOL print files

I'm new to CCleaner and am trying to fine tune it by using the Option - Include feature.

AOL leaves a 0 byte file behind for every print done while on line under AOL. While some may say the HD space is null, but after a month or so on my system, there many be 1,000's of directory entries pointing to 0 byte files. The directory space consumed is far from null.

The directory is in .... \All User\Application Data\AOL\your install level\Spool When I specify this folder under the include feature the 0 length files are NOT removed.

So my question is: Is there some other option that I missed or does CCleaner skip 0 length files in it's deletion search? If it does skip them I would think that is a bug (in my IBM days that was called a special feature). The prior tool I've used does delete 0 length files to keep the directory structure "clean".

Thanks for any help that can be offered on this.

George - in the RTP area of NC where there is no snow left!

After inputting your include path you have to enable this otherwise it won't work:


George - in the RTP area of NC where there is no snow left!

I wish there was no snow left where I am. ;)

THANKS! The Custom Files and Folders check box under Advanced did the trick. The interrelatinoship of Include Folders and Files and this check box is not intutive to a new user.