Anyone used Flash Saving Plugin 1.2?

As some of you may know I make Visual Basic programs. Now 3 years ago I need to download a swf file of a site because it had an animated flash movie showing how a battery is charged. Friend on another forum made a link for me which I could just right-click and Save Target As, ahis worked a treat.

Right click on this link and Save Target As.

Original site

Now the site I want to use is It has loads of swf movie's relating to motor vehicle and I wanted to download the movie's seperately and make my own app.

You will need a username and password to access this site. If anyone has any suggestions PM me and I will give you the username and password.

I downloaded Flash Saving Plugin 1.2 but I can't get it to work. As anyone else tried this app?

Thanks ;)

I dunno if you're a Firefox user as well IE Keith, but Video Downloader is just about the most versatile downloader I've encountered, and it's file type list includes Flash Video. It's a FF extension which is easily removed if it doesn't do the trick.

Video DownloadHelper:

Alternatively, send me the login details, and I'll give it a whirl for you. I don't use IE, so I haven't tried the plugin.

Just thought it worth a mention.


I like IE7Pro's User Script for saving videos


I save them as flv files then use FLV Player to view them: <== remember to un-check the Yahoo search engine change if you don't want it.

Its Accu Weather Plug in is handy as well.

Thanks Dennis but I only use IE. I've tried FireFox and Opera but I don't find any advantage in them.

A swf file isn't a video file exactly like a flv, avi, wmv etc. We know its a flash movie but without download a special flash movie player (which I can make any way) I don't think its must use. ;)

I found this

How to save flash in IE browser

a. Click Tools - Internet Options

b. In the General Tab, click the Settings button available in the Temporary Internet Files group.

c. Click View Files to open your Temporary Internet Files folder. Depending upon your IE settings, the Temp. folder can contain tens of thousands of files.

d. Click View - Details. Now click View - Arrange Icons By - Internet Address. Depending upon the webpage, there could one or more Flash files (Shockwave Flash Object) under the Inernet Address.

e. Once you find the right flash file, right-click and choose Copy. Then paste the swf file in any other directory. Be sure to

keep the page and IE open to avoid purging of the cache file.

Note: swf files are large so if you do a sort by size then the swf file will be at the top.

a. Click Tools - Internet Options

b. In the General Tab, click the Settings button available in the Temporary Internet Files group.

c. Click View Files to open your Temporary Internet Files folder. Depending upon your IE settings, the Temp. folder can contain tens of thousands of files.

d. Click View - Details. Now click View - Arrange Icons By - Internet Address. Depending upon the webpage, there could one or more Flash files (Shockwave Flash Object) under the Inernet Address.

e. Once you find the right flash file, right-click and choose Copy. Then paste the swf file in any other directory. Be sure to

keep the page and IE open to avoid purging of the cache file.

I found this

Note: swf files are large so if you do a sort by size then the swf file will be at the top.

Thanks Kenny but the View Files in Temporary Internet Files folder isn't much use. With Flash Saving Plugin you can select which folder you want to download too. swf files don't have to be big the last one I downloaded was only 17Kb. ;)

A swf file isn't a video file exactly like a flv, avi, wmv etc. We know its a flash movie but without download a special flash movie player (which I can make any way) I don't think its must use. ;)

The last SWF file I had which nothing would play on my system I simply dragged into an open IE window and wallah IE played it perfectly without installing anything.


Could probably even create a Send To->Internet Explorer shortcut just for that purpose, since IE will just use the installed Adobe Flash Player for playback.

The last SWF file I had which nothing would play on my system I simply dragged into an open IE window and wallah IE played it perfectly without installing anything.


Could probably even create a Send To->Internet Explorer shortcut just for that purpose, since IE will just use the installed Adobe Flash Player for playback.

Thanks for your input Andavari.

Yes I know you can drag them into your browser Andavari that isn't the problem. I can make my own movie player. I just need to download these movie's. I can also make my own file downloader. I know you can check the source of a web page but that doesn't tell me the exact location of the swf file to download. ;)