Anyone use Norton AV?

Not a real important comment/question - just curious...

I use Norton AV 2005 and just happened to be looking at the activity log a bit ago. I've been using it for several months and under 'worm protection' it's always said "Internet Worm Protection is monitoring 3 signatures."

Today it's monitoring 573 ! I see that the date of the last revision was 12/8 and the new one is 3/15 and 3/17, so that explains it, but god - who was watching out for those 570 signatures all this time?! :o


Not a real important comment/question - just curious...

I use Norton AV 2005 and just happened to be looking at the activity log a bit ago. I've been using it for several months and under 'worm protection' it's always said "Internet Worm Protection is monitoring 3 signatures."

Today it's monitoring 573 ! I see that the date of the last revision was 12/8 and the new one is 3/15 and 3/17, so that explains it, but god - who was watching out for those 570 signatures all this time?! :o


Did you pay for Norton?

yes I did - have had it about 3 months

Today it's monitoring 573 ! I see that the date of the last revision was 12/8 and the new one is 3/15 and 3/17, so that explains it, but god - who was watching out for those 570 signatures all this time?! :o


You're funny. If Norton is your only protection then no one was watching. :)

As Andavari says: Get layered security. (At least I think that it was him)

Also, not any one piece of software protects against all definitions. Personally I use 8 programs + hardware firewall. There is a really good list that you can check out in the HJT thread. Look in the malware removal guide.


"Anyone using Norton AV?"

Yes, loads of people. Although it's often only until they learn they can get something about as good for free, or better for less. No disrespect intended to anyone, just seems to be the case.

Edit: "better" is, of course, subjective...

"Anyone using Norton AV?"

Yes, loads of people. Although it's often only until they learn they can get something about as good for free, or better for less. No disrespect intended to anyone, just seems to be the case.

Edit: "better" is, of course, subjective...

Agreed. I didn't have the nerve to be the first to say it.

@Sonsie - That's why I asked if you paid for it. Finish out the terms of your contract before you worry about switching. I'm sure that between your 4 HD's you can handle some the resource load. ;)

Yeah, I won't pay for security anymore. But I was naive. I never had anything other than an antivirus for 10 or so years. By the time I got this new computer in December, I had gotten a tiny bit of education regarding security. I'd had Norton before and was ok with it, so, not knowing what great products were available for free, I got it again.

my god - who was watching out for those 570 signatures all this time?!

I was being a bit facetious here. Seriously, I was wondering if anyone knew why Norton had 3 sigs being monitored in the morning, and that afternoon after an update I had 573. Why such a drastic difference? Why weren't at least some of those 573 configured into the application when I got it? Anyone know? Just kind of curious.

For security I have Ad-Aware, MS antispyware, ewido antimalware, Norton, Kerio personal firewall, and an broadband router with firewall.

I'm sure that between your 4 HD's you can handle some the resource load

nooo, I wasn't clear or something. I've had 4 (or 3) HDs go bad on me in 4 months. I don't have 4 HDs! Now that would be a waste of space! Wouldn't have a clue what to use all of that for. I'm just a lil general computer user. ^_^

sonsie (pssst...Symantec has, imo, the all-time worst customer support. That alone will keep me from using any product of theirs again.)

Norton keeps computer techs in business. It can mangle your system to the point that you can't do anything but play with Norton. Got rid of mine last year. Lost money, but got my computer back.

lol, I was wondering about those 4 HDs! Had to replace mine about six months ago - guy in the shop eventually reckoned that was the problem, replaced it, then gave my old one back to me and said it might be alright! Last week I had the mobo and cpu replaced - still not really sure anyone's got it figured out (least of all me).

Yeah, I used to use Norton. Didn't really have a beef with the program, but I also found their customer support sucks. So I found a 'better' program (much, IMO) and better support!


Geia sas! Ti kanete, kala;

I'm on Kef

Go get your refund! :D

Norton sucks, it is a resource hog.

Go get your refund! :D

Norton sucks, it is a resource hog.

Not with 4 HD's. lol

Why don't you like AntiVirus's E?

Norton keeps computer techs in business. It can mangle your system to the point that you can't do anything but play with Norton. Got rid of mine last year. Lost money, but got my computer back.

Heh, it is really funny you say that, cause I just fixed a computer this morning, and guess where the problem lied? Yes, it was Norton.

You see, this lady uses dial-up (AOL; yuck!) and her antivirus is Norton (double-yuck! the worst of both worlds!). So she had just recently gotten an update for Norton, and suddenly, Norton started preventing her from accessing the Internet! She would dial on, and as soon as AOL tried to check her username/password to let her on the net, Norton would pop on and consider that exchange a "threat"! No joke!

So, I just disabled Norton, got her on-line, and then used LiveUpdate to get the newest Norton update. Sure enough, that fixed the problem. Stupid Norton.

Also, even with 4 HDs, Norton still consumes plenty of RAM and CPU resources, as well as HD, so to keep Norton happy, sonsie better get a few more terabytes of RAM and weld on about a dozen or so more cores to his/her CPU. Or, just get a different antivirus solution. :P

gunner, cww, Eldmannen, loko - thanks. I'm convinced. I think I'll go ahead and ditch Norton AV now and read the antivirus threads to look for something else. I'm looking for something easy to operate - very little, if any, hands on. No confusing logs that make me panic - Norton did that in spades! I couldn't interpret the logs and couldn't find a manual or customer service that could/would explain it. Turns out they were nothing to panic about - pretty normal. But being a newbie in this security stuff I was reading every security log I had several times a day. Finally figured out that was the problem. LOL

Now that we've gotten that taken care of - how do people feel about Norton GoBack? :P Seriously, a tech said that he could never make it and Windows get along and play nice. As far as I know, I don't/haven't had any problems, and there have been quite a few times when GoBack has saved my butt..well, actually my files. ;) On the other hand, it could be causing invisible problems. IF I were to get rid of it, is there anything comparable to take the place of it? Windows system restore is pathetic.

cww & gunner - I'm jealous. Greece is my first choice for a country to visit someday. B)

btw, Symantec and I had several email interchanges in which I was trying to get some questions answered - I swear, if they'd been taped we could have sold it as a comedy routine! They were giving me directions to configure an application I didn't have, telling me to click on buttons that didn't exist, and answering questions I didn't ask. "Who's on first...."

btw#2 - I apologize if I post excessively or ask too many questions - bad combination of little knowledge and much curiosity

sonsie ---> is a girl - need more mascara on those smilies.

btw, Symantec and I had several email interchanges in which I was trying to get some questions answered - I swear, if they'd been taped we could have sold it as a comedy routine! They were giving me directions to configure an application I didn't have, telling me to click on buttons that didn't exist, and answering questions I didn't ask. "Who's on first...."

LOL, Abbot and Costello FTW!

btw#2 - I apologize if I post excessively or ask too many questions - bad combination of little knowledge and much curiosity

No need to apologize. We thrive on questions. Without them, all of us here at the CCleaner forum would shrivel up into tiny imploded prunes, which makes it extremely difficult to type.

sonsie ---> is a girl - need more mascara on those smilies.

Ok, I thunk so, but I just wanted to make sure. You see, I have this really bad habit of calling girls guys and visa versa... Maybe some hair to go along with that mascara? :D

Anyways, I personally like Grisoft's AVG Free for an antivirus and Zone Alarm for a firewall, but for the most part, what antivirus and firewall you get is mostly according to your personal preferences.

Anyways, I personally like Grisoft's AVG Free for an antivirus and Zone Alarm for a firewall, but for the most part, what antivirus and firewall you get is mostly according to your personal preferences.

Oh gosh, that's too funny! I HAD AVG and loved it but gave it up for Norton because that tech said he liked Norton better! I had ZA for a couple of weeks too, but I never felt like I really had it set up correctly and that made me more nervous than not having anything. Uninstalled it, kept Norton, added Kerio. I'd forgotten all about AVG and am going back to it asap. Still have it in fact.

LOL, Abbot and Costello FTW!

That was unreal. I still have the emails. He was from another country so I think language played a part in it, plus I write too much and probably confused the issues. He was very polite, and as frustrated as I was and as angry as I was with Symantec in general, I couldn't get mad at him. So I just never responded. No way could we have cleared anything up. We were like 2 ships in the night - passing and waving but unable to communicate.

I have the same problem guessing the sex of the person I'm talking to. I usually assume it's a guy. Last week on another forum, I kept referring to someone with the nick 'taz-(plus some numbers) as a 'he'. Heck, I'd dated a taz and he was a he! But in this forum it was a she. LOL

ok, gotta go do an msn or symantec scan. Don't know what this file is off by itself, but when I just googled it I got everything from the "Seventh Annual Rice Environmental Conference Press Release" to Magistr virus to celeric soup. And as I was reading about the Magistr virus and they were talking about initializing it, I thought jeeez sonsie! use your brain! don't go clicking on files that you know nothing about, even if it does say it opens in notepad!

EDIT: I'm so proud. I found out what that strange file was. It's a WMP history. sheesh! I've never seen one like that nor in that location!

good window's tips site btw:

Sonsie - trying to picture imploded prunes

what antivirus and firewall you get is mostly according to your personal preferences.

Yup. Apart from a couple of fairly little-known exceptions (which are basically good but perhaps a bit lacking at present), all the 'main' anti-virus and firewalls apps are pretty competent and using a 'simple' one you can understand is quite possibly safer than using a super-duper (but complicated) one you can't understand - and we all had to start off somewhere, sometime. A hardware firewall might be worth considering.

Last time I checked it out, GoBack was about the best - but that was a while ago. I've forgotten what else was available, but I'm sure there are alternatives. Got a feeling there might be a half decent freebie alternative, but not sure.

Still trying to imagine tiny imploded prunes trying to type :blink:

Eldmannen is correct Norton sucks! It not only sucks system resources, hdd space, it also sucks allot of money out of your wallet.

As for the free av's I'm going to flip a coin as to what I'll choose which will either be AVG Free or Avira AntiVir. I really like the new AntiVir, however I'm hoping it still isn't a false positive whore as it used to be!

Wow! I've never seen someone convert so quickly and painlessly. :P Impressive. :D

The only people who have Norton are people who are new to computers and because its the most advertised and readily available in shops, they get it. A few weeks into having it they will realize the got ripped off and more then likely either live with it because they don't know what other are available of Google around and switch to one of the others, and because Norton is so crap they will 99% of the time get a better one.

Please don't ask how i know this :lol:;)