Anyone Tried QupZilla Browser?

Available from 2 sites as a .zip file or a .paf file.
or from

Seems to work quite well. It's built with QtWebKit. Been around for a few years. Works on many OSs (sadly not QNX).

Renders pages quickly and seems to run light, about 2 to 2.5 mb RAM and one half to 8 percent of available CPU.

No glitches, no problems (so far), except that importing bookmarks from IE is clumsy. Tried automatic import, froze the browser. Manual import works but is tedious.

I have been running the Portable Apps version in winxp for about 2 hours, am on here with it now. Running it sandboxed.

I have been looking for a browser for this xp box since Firefox slowed down so much.

Palemoon and K-Meleon won't behave here.

Maxthon works well and it's a bit faster than Qupzilla, but it makes me nervous calling home to China.

Have not checked yet to see who Qupzilla calls home to.

Anybody else tried it?

I have been looking for a browser for this xp box since Firefox slowed down so much.

Palemoon and K-Meleon won't behave here.

I haven't tried it however I've always noticed it on

Another alternative on XP is SRWare Iron Portable, the newest version and download can be found on their forums here (instead of their download site), always located at the very top of the forum page:


That SRWare Iron Portable and myself just today saved my mother $600 dollars. She thought a website she uses for her sewing required Windows 10 so she bought a new $600 laptop computer yesterday. :rolleyes: That isn't what the error page said, it merely didn't support Firefox not even the newest version however it does support Chrome/Chromium which SRWare Iron is based upon.

Thanks, Andavari.

Good for you, saving your mom that money.

That's what it's all about, isn't it, helping folks who don't have the time to dig through all the hype? :)

I tried an earlier version of SRWare Iron, didn't make very complete notes, only that it "works odd".

No clue what that meant, should have recorded more detail.

I will try it again soon, both the installed and the portable versions. Downloading them now.

I have been using Firefox v-36.0.4, all recent firefoxes too slow, but 3604 has recently started popping an invalid certificate for lots of sites.

It loads them anyway, but I have no idea what that warning means so want to get rid of it.

Fwiw, this Qupzilla is the fastest I have seen so far, if memory serves.

But that is based on a very cursory test.

Just tried QupZilla Portable!

Two issues for me using QupZilla Portable:
1. I backed up my bookmarks in it which caused it to create a registry settings key. It looks like the registry settings is so it will remember where you've saved a bookmark backup at (but it doesn't really remember the location at all). Actually just found out it does remember where the bookmarks backup are saved. This is what it created:


“lastVisited”=“file:///C:/PortableApps/QupZillaPortable/Bookmarks Backup”

2. The bookmarks sorting has to be done all 100% manually, which is unfortunate in 2015.
As for CCleaner supporting it in the future to clean it, maybe one day Piriform will officially support it. However the built-in cleaning that QupZilla has is impressive.
My thoughts are I do like it, I was impressed with the adblocking built-in from the get go and the ability to add in all of the adblocking filters I use with zero fuss. I'll consider it as a go to alternative but only if SRWare Iron ever gives me issues enough to leave it.
There's always a but. But for me to ever use QupZilla/QupZilla Portable as a main browser contender it's going to need the ability to alphabetize and alphanumerically alphabetize bookmarks and bookmark folders automatically because doing it manually is too much of a chore that I'd imagine nobody wants to partake in.
It certainly uses a hell of allot less memory compared to Firefox, and especially Chrome/Chromium based browsers. I think someone on an old (but still usable) Windows XP computer with 1GB or less RAM could benefit from using QupZilla/QupZilla Portable due to it using less memory.

Whow, I was literally just reading about QupZilla in my monthly PC mag and was going to give it a spin, so it's good (and timely) to hear some good things about it.

I have only last week ditched IceDragon after about a 3 month trial. I thought I had found a replacement for the long, tried and tested, FireFox but alas, I finally came across a website I need (only use it once a quarter for Tax) that IceDragon couldn't handle.

So thanks for the first-hand info, I'll give QupZilla a spin.

Trying SRWare Iron portable out right now.

It is also fast, is maybe not quite as configurable (or maybe i just don't know how yet) and also is light on resources, uses about 5 to 7 gb RAM and 15 to 20 percent of available CPU.

About QupZilla, it was sort of glitchy on youtube. I kept having to refresh the page and/or delete the whole history to get things to play.

also true about the bookmarks, what a pain.

Looks like maybe Iron won this round, but the game is still on. :D

For what it's worth, I always run browsers in the sandbox, saves a lot of issues with leftover junk.

Edit 01 nov 15: This SRWare browser is pretty good, imho. Still trying it.

uses about 5 to 7 gb RAM

gb "Gigabytes" of RAM and light on resources. :lol: Actually when I used to use Comodo Dragon (another Chrome/Chromium clone) but had to ditch it for SRWare Iron Portable due to Comodo Dragon crashing to much. The amount of RAM it required for Chrome/Chromium browsers was the only reason I bought more RAM for this old XP system because Windows complained on two or so occasions about the RAM, PageFile, etc.

Actually SRWare Iron seems light, but uses a good chunk more RAM than Firefox. Of course it also matters if you've installed any add-ons such as adblocking and Adblock for Chrome does increase the RAM requirements.

"gb "Gigabytes" of RAM and light on resources." :wacko:

Okaaayyy, then. Maybe mb of RAM. duhhh.

Anyhow, whats a few bytes among friends.

I'm gettin too old for this.

I'm gettin too old for this.

Never :)

Not tried QupZilla yet, I'm trying to stick to one thing for more than a month :lol:

Using SeaMonkey as default on all my machines now...I really like it.

On here, seamonkey 2.38 freezes with one continuous BIOS beep.

Firefox does too, sometimes.

Have to power down and restart.

No pattern to the occurence, sometimes happens in 2 hours, sometimes not for 2 or 3 days.

Not sure if it is the browser or a pending hardware failure, suspect the latter. >sigh<

On here, seamonkey 2.38 freezes with one continuous BIOS beep.

Firefox does too, sometimes.

Could also be caused by add-ons, etc. Months ago before I ditched Comodo Dragon it eventually got to the point of causing allot of BSOD's on my system, just closing the browser could cause them.

SRWare Iron works very well here on xp. Qupzilla does also.

Qupzilla seems to work a tiny bit faster, not noticeable really, unless you are paying close attention.

Very pleased to find 2 nice alternatives to IE and Firefox.

Thanks for all the feedback. :)

seems to be a nice smooth browser :) with the windows default theme on w8.1 from czech rep --> only a catstep away from me :D

also nice is the directlink to google translation with context menu after marked a text

i will try it on xp

and not the same issue as with ff in defraggler-forum :)


but a little thing:


another thing:

when i right-click with mouse on a bookmark opens the page... but it should be able to delete or sort with contextmenu or what do you think?

i have this two things as a precaution... --> quzillat3.jpg :ph34r: :D

About the Qupzilla bookmarks, I haven't found an easy way to sort them either.

Annoying, but not a deal breaker imho, maybe they'll fix that soon.

does anyone have an idea why qupzilla does not run on fresh installed xp sp3?

do i need any other software to install in xp for qupzilla? what kind of software must i install for qupzilla to run? (c++ xxx or so)?

the same problem i have with SRWare Iron...

Don't know much, but I am running the portable version in a sandbox here, win xp sp3, with no problems.

Used the zip file, not the paf file, just unzipped it into its own folder and ran the exe.

Its here:

Is that a fresh installed XP SP3 without any updates installed from Microsoft Updates? Could be anything really on a fresh XP SP3 install without the Microsoft Updates such as outdated Root Certificates, general bug or stability fixes, etc.


i use the zip-file - on another xp sp3 with netframework 2.0 sp2 and all updates (uninstalled ie8) "in the years" it run fine. but not on a fresh installed... :(


i have only "real" updates and root certificates (but not security-updates) and no ie8, only netframework 2.0 sp2 + a handful of programms as piriform-things :-) and firefox installed. but not extra-software like c++2005/2008 or xml 4.0 or other things...

with iron comes nothing, also not in the taskmanager, but with qupzilla comes a errormessage 2 times:

´Die Anwendung konnte nicht richtig installiert werden.(0xc000001d). Klicken Sie auf "OK", um die Anwendung zu beenden.´

Tried to look into the issue, didn't find much, xp is not widely used these days. :lol:
Some thoughts:
I wouldn't run winxp at all unless I was certain that I had it locked down to prevent malware.
Maybe you should install sp3 for win xp?
Also, uninstalling internet explorer may cripple winxp.
Also, I would install all the updates issued before July 14, 2015 (the last security update) then turn updates off.
Maybe try the portable apps version from here:
Whichever version you use, make sure all the files, folders, etc are in one "parent" folder.

I found a Qupzilla FAQ, didn't tell me a thing but here it is. Didn't find a forum as such.

Found a Wilders Forum topic, less than a month old:

These sites suggest maybe its an issue with an older processor.

That last link (techsupportforum) has a download. I used 7zip to extract it (not install it), and it has a bunch of .dlls apparently needed by MBAM to run. These .dlls are present on this machine but are NOT the same versions.