I get the error message "Warning the HouseCall-Api did not define a native binding" any ideas what's causing this?
I get the error message "Warning the HouseCall-Api did not define a native binding" any ideas what's causing this?
HouseCall hasn't worked on either of my two systems for the past year or so even when using it with Internet Explorer, it was constantly having problems either updating, initiating, and giving an analysis after scanning was completed. I've completely given up on it.
I dont think it works with firefox anyway. Maybe it has something to do with choosing the europe version? Try lying about your location and see if it works when you say your in the US.
I definitely works with firefox see here its just it has not worked since they update it to 6.5. I googled it and found some posts on the firefox adblock extension so maybe its something to do with that, ill look into it.
I have always used this link:
Its active x based.
I don't have IE on my pc so ill think ill keep trying Housecall 6.5 for now. Maybe ill email them if it does not start working soon.
I don't have IE on my pc so ill think ill keep trying Housecall 6.5 for now. Maybe ill email them if it does not start working soon.
Why did you get rid of IE? You still need it for some sites and to visit the windows update page. Anyway did removing IE give you any problems?
I got rid of IE because i have not used it since i got firefox, there were no sites the i used that was not compatible with firefox apart from as you say Windows Update. I now use WindizUpdate and while i sometimes have problems when it install the update i.e. it doesn't. They are downloaded so i just manualy install them which is no problem. The only other thing i used IE for was on-line virus scan but trend micro supports firefox so that's that.
I have been without IE for about 4 months now without any problems . I used Nlite and RyanVm'sUpdate pack which integrates all available post sp2 updates straight onto my custom xp installation disk so all available hot fixes are directly integrates into xp.
I got rid of IE once on my Win98 system a few years back and to my amazement Win98 seemed like a bland piece of crap after removing it, sure it ran faster but allot of the functionality I was used to was gone. Reinstalling IE on a system that is without it can be a tricky thing.
When you got rid of the IE did you also get rid of the IE Engine? because if you did it affects a load of stuff more or less everyone uses weather you actualy use IE or not. With nLite i only removed the IE application not the Engine. So things like html documents , windows update, control panel user accounts etc are still usable if you did remove the Engine as well the mentioned things will not work.
This is what I had to do on my PC to get past the stupid API warning:
Search for and delete the "Sun" folder (assuming the only thing in yours is Java files and Java related files).
Search for *ousecal* and delete all the entries that are found including any temp files. (.housecall, eu-housecall, various "hc" entries, etc).
Search for "hc" and delete any files you are sure are housecall related.
Delete any Netscape Navigator files (assuming you don't use Navigator. However, this step appears crucial).
Basically, you do not want any Java files, any Housecall files, and any Netscape Navigator files on your PC BEFORE you visit the Housecall site for the first time. If you have multiple Java versions or an outdated Java version, an old Navigator version or ANY Housecall files you had when Housecall did not run properly, HCall will not work. Apparently it remembers your first visit and insists on reusing the files it initially loaded, whether or not they worked .
Visit the Housecall site. You should receive a notification that you need additional plug-ins for the site to display properly. This will be the latest version of Java which will now download after you give it the OK (large file).
If for some reason you don't get the plug-in message, you can download Java via the Java website.
NOTE: On my ancient PC, Housecall will not run via Firefox. I did get past the Native API warning after following the above steps, but I keep getting a file error during download which I believe is because my dial-up connection is so slow. It ran the first time but hasn't since.
If you try this, PLEASE let me know if it worked so I know whether to blame my PC.
Thanks for the info Mike, however that sounds like a pain just to use one online scanner when Microsoft has their one that works without going through an ordeal.
Thanks for the info Mike, however that sounds like a pain just to use one online scanner when Microsoft has their one that works without going through an ordeal.
Thanks Andavari-
I agree completely. I noticed the USA TrendMicro site is now linking to the Euro site when you try to do an online scan. IMHO I think that's a mistake because the US site always worked quickly and easily.
BTW, THANKS for the link to MS's online scan, I used it before and liked it but I couldn't remember where it was.
The trend micro scanner is much faster. I dont know which detects more but that MS one is slow.
On my system the MS scanner is just as fast as the Trend Micro scanner and my installed eTrust EZ Antivirus, however that's only after disabling installed av resident shields during the online scan which will decrease the overall scan time by 15-25% or more. Also the MS scanner updates much faster (on dial-up) versus the one from Trend Micro. The Trend Micro scanner would take so long to download the signature files on my dial-up that it was a better choice to instead download AVAST, AVG or some other installable AV scanner and then just uninstall it once scanning was completed.
I have always used this link:
Its active x based.
Thank you .. I have tried everything to get HouseCall to work .. your link did it for me ... I know its late coming ..but Thank you again
TrendMicro is great, but it can take a while and sometimes it can't do anything to remove the virus. I use Nod32 for my anti-virus.
It's better to have a full featured av scanner installed versus relying upon the online scanners, although they are a good backup to determine if an installed av scanner has missed something.
I have always used this link:
Its active x based.
Dear Big Boss, wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the link to HouseCall 6.0 ... I was going nuts trying to get the later version (6.5) to work on my PC. Your link worked like a DREAM! Easy, easy, easy. cheers, Bluebird
Dear Big Boss, wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the link to HouseCall 6.0 ... I was going nuts trying to get the later version (6.5) to work on my PC. Your link worked like a DREAM! Easy, easy, easy. cheers, Bluebird
It seems they removed the link at this point
Try this one: http://housecall.antivirus.com/housecall/start_frame.asp