anyone have the iphone?

im seriously looking at the iphone.....and in the alternative the blackberry bold. but only rogers has the two.....and im currently with telus. darn it.

anyhow, just wondering the pros and cons of the iphone........

im seriously looking at the iphone.....and in the alternative the blackberry bold. but only rogers has the two.....and im currently with telus. darn it.

anyhow, just wondering the pros and cons of the iphone........

I'm with Telus also and I was in the Telus store today looking at the Blackberry Pearl and Curve

In a few weeks Telus will be getting the Blackberry Storm. It's Blackberry's touch screen phone you may actually like it better than the iphone and the Bold.

thanks for that! i think i may just wait till that one comes out and upgrade....that way i dont have to buy out my current phone time! thats a sweet looking phone and has all the extras that i want as well! oh man, now im totally stoked!

Be prepared to pay a lot of money for that Blackberry Storm.

It's seems like a cool phone. It is a touch screen but it clicks when you press the screen like it has buttons.

im seriously looking at the iphone.....and in the alternative the blackberry bold. but only rogers has the two.....and im currently with telus. darn it.

anyhow, just wondering the pros and cons of the iphone........

Please see my review:

Funny how so many people confuse a PSP with an iPhone.

D*ck Tracy, it's just a fecking phone.

If I could afford it, I'd go with the T-Mobile G1. Google Android FTW!!

I do have T-Mobile already. Too bad T-Mobile's 3G network is absolutely sucks.

Corona, you seem to be...ticked/more aggressive then usual? You good?♠


Corona, you seem to be...ticked/more aggressive then usual? You good?♠


Its Sunday and maybe has run out of Giggle Juice or Wobbly Pop

I found this fact sheet on the Storm, and the more I look at it, the more I think I am going to make this my new phone. Thanks Anthony!


I am ready for a new phone. I am trying to to decide if I should get a "smart phone" or just stick with a regular phone. I don't know that I would use most of the features on the smart phones. I make and receive calls and text. I also go on the internet which you can do on a regular phone. So the bells and whistles of the new smart phones are not worth the extra money for me and besides the phone will be outdated in 2 weeks after I buy it.

If I stay with a regular phone I am going to get this one

Very cool little phone and not much money. I will probably get it for free or well under $100 when I am done "negotiating" with Telus. It is perfectly suited to texting which I do a lot. I often have over 1200 texts a month. Has camera, internet access, blah blah.

The smart phone technology is just developing. I think I will wait. I can't see paying $400-$500 for a device that I probably won't use all the features on and will be outdated in a matter months. My current phone is 5 years old and I could keep it no problem except the battery is starting to go and I can get a new phone cheaper than it costs to replace the battery.

Yeah that first phone is a pretty good one. My partner at work has it and totally loves it, thinks its the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I love to surf the internet while mobile and like a bigger screen so i like the new smart phones. New technology always makes me excited so i like to go get it to try out and play with.

The thing i like about the iphone is the size and the way it feels and such. i got an ipod touch and absolutely love it, so i thought i would like the iphone, but now the storm looks pretty neat so im thinking of trying it out and see if blackberry will make me a follower...