I'm thinking about trying it with my adult children. Also, would it work with a webcam?
i tried it, and i didnt really like the format. i only use msn now, i dont know why, but i like the look and its easy to use. i never cared much for yahoo, ICQ or a couple of others ive tried either. just personal preference i guess.
on an unrelated matter, i hate Windows Live Mail-I stupidly upgraded, and now cant get back to having normal hotmail with my favorite account.
I have used Google Talk slowday444, and it is a great, small, easy to use chat program, unfortunately it does not support webcam use, but I have read somewhere that there is a plug-in for using webcams.
No doubt Google will add this feature too one day.
Thank You!
Google has the best sound quality compared Yahoo Phone and Skype (I have all three.) It's very minimalist, both functionally and in resource usage.
I'm thinking about trying it with my adult children. Also, would it work with a webcam?
I seen them but the best and hottest technology for like instant messenging (IM) while you can talk up to five people live with video at one time is Helloworld.com/studog. Go check it out and click join now for an overview. It's awesome! It also offers a Email client second to none along with blogging with video, live braodcasting, podcasting. I have been using it a while.